How long does it take to finish Dragonspyre?

How long does it take to finish Dragonspyre?

For some, it might take weeks based on schedule, and for others months because of how little one actually would play the game-not to mention the other distractions in the game like dungeons, pets, and socializing. Dragonspyre only took me about 12 hours in total I think.

What level should you be in Dragonspyre?

Dragonspyre = beginning at around level 47-48 which is a big level due to pet acquirement and possibly learning an AE spell. I do all of Zeke’s quests for the additional Training Points and the side quests for the additional gold and experience.

What world is after Dragonspyre?


What is the hardest world in Wizard101?

Re: Ranking Each World Difficulty

  • Wizard City – 0.5/10.
  • Krokotopia – 1/10.
  • Marleybone – 1.5/10.
  • Mooshu – 2.5/10.
  • Dragonspyre – 4/10.
  • Celestia – 6/10.
  • Zafaria – 6.5/10.
  • Avalon – 7/10.

What is the highest level on Wizard101?


Is wysteria worth doing?

While it is a fun area to play, it is not really necessary. The Wysteria rings/athames are very good and will last you until level 50 or so, but you can find them in the bazaar.

Why does Grizzleheim give no XP?

Re: Grizzleheim gives NO experience GH gives no XP because it’s a side world really. You only have to be lvl. 20 to go to GH, with the other worlds you have to beat the lower rank world to get there.

How much XP does wysteria give?

Actually you will make it Wysteria gives about 35,000 XP, not too sure thought, good luck! Signature Made By: Autumn Ice.

How do I get the quest Wintertusk?

You need to finish all of Grizzleheim first. After you do the last quest of regular Grizzleheim (I’m pretty sure it’s defeating the four raven bosses in Ravenscar and finishing up in northguard), you should get an alert from Ambrose saying he has some trouble, and he should have a quest for you.

What level should I be for wysteria?

Level 25

What level should I do Grizzleheim?

There is a spell in Mirkholm Keep that you can earn at level 35, so I’d recommend doing Grizzleheim part 1 right around the time you reach level 40. Save Wintertusk until after Dragonspyre/level 48. If it’s still too challenging, wait until after Celestia.

Can you learn spells in wysteria?

Re: Can you learn Spells from Wysteria teachers? No, you cannot.

What level should I be for Khrysalis?

When Khrysalis was brand new, people started it at level 90. Now that there’s no level cap before it, you’re likely to be a little past 90, but not by much.

Are side quests worth it Wizard101?

Some give you loot, some provide an intriguing backstory, and others give great XP. However, some side quests stand out, as they give you unique and rare rewards. Furthermore, these quests make your Wizard101 life easier and enhance your experience as a whole.

What level do you get Shadow spells?

Most wizards are level 90 or higher when that happens, but it’s quest dependent. (You have to do the right quest, no matter what level you’re at when you get there.) Generally speaking, if you start Khrysalis at level 90, you’d do the shadow spells quest around level 95 or so.

How do I start Grizzleheim?

If you’ve done Bear Market and Trade Voyage from Goldpaws in Olde Town, Talke to Merle once you are above level 20, he’ll have a quest called Grizzleheim while will allow you to get there.

How long does it take to finish Grizzleheim?

the max can take you is 1 week or maybe 2 if you want complete the entire world (main and side quests) or maybe 3 weeks if you like pvp, and do other stuffs beside quests have fun!

When should I start Grizzleheim?

it’s best to go at level 35 that’s what i would do. i started around level 28 and i died a lot of times. but if you really want to go at level 28 you should bring a partner.

How long does it take to finish Wintertusk?

If your a hard core player you can probably get it completely done with in a day or two. If you rather take your time about 5 day… this is based on all quest which I recommend. If your just into main only that’s a day to 3 days tops.

How many quests are in Grizzleheim?

68 quests

Where can I buy Wintertusk crafted gear?

Carax Strongthread is the Equipment Recipe Vendor in Grizzleheim. He is located in the northeast area of Sudrilund (Wintertusk).

How do I get the Runedown quest?

Re: I can’t get the quest “Runedown” You have to talk to Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town, by the Bazaar. He will send you to Erik.