How long does a cat live with kidney disease?

How long does a cat live with kidney disease?

The prognosis for kidney disease is quite variable depending on response to the initial stage of treatment and your ability to perform the follow-up care. We encourage treatment in most situations because many cats will respond and maintain a good quality of life for up to four years.

Can a cat recover from kidney disease?

Unfortunately, once the kidneys are damaged, they have very limited ability to recover. However, with proper management, most CRF cases progress very slowly. With treatment, your cat may have several years of good quality, active life ahead.

What can I feed my cat with kidney disease?

When compared with normal maintenance adult cat food, a kidney support diet contains less protein, sodium, and phosphorus, and increased omega-3 fatty acids. These diets are formulated to help cats with CKD avoid metabolic acidosis and are available from your veterinarian.

What are the symptoms of a cat dying of kidney failure?

Signs of uremia include: Increased thirst, apathy, depression, listlessness, reddened eyes, skin problems, excessive or no urine production (depending on the stage of the disease), dehydration, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, emaciation, bad breath, mouth ulcers, discolored tongue, muscle twitching, coma,