How long do indoor ficus trees live?

How long do indoor ficus trees live?

Fig trees frequently produce two harvests per season. Their period of high productivity lasts for 10 to 15 years, though the trees' life spans are much longer.

How do you care for an indoor ficus tree?

Ficus plants need consistent, but moderate watering throughout the growing season, with dry spells in the winter. Make sure soil is just moist, not dry or drenched, at all times, but cut back waterings in the winter. Your plant will likely lose leaves during the winter "dry" spell.

Why are the leaves on my ficus tree turning yellow and falling off?

Yellowing of your ficus leaves is another clear indicator of water stress. Ficus leaves may also turn yellow if the humidity is low. If the soil feels moist, mist the leaves to increase humidity around the plant. Yellowing leaves often occurs on indoor ficus during the winter when indoor air tends to be dry.

Why is my ficus tree dropping its leaves?

Incorrect watering – Under watering or over watering both can cause a ficus tree to lose leaves. In an improperly watered ficus tree may have yellowing leaves and the ficus tree leaves may curl. Water the soil only when the very top of the soil is dry, but also make sure that your ficus tree's pot has good drainage.

How often do you water a ficus tree?

Ficus benjamina should be watered moderately in spring and summer but sparingly in winter. In spring and summer, pour water until you see it coming out the drainage holes at the bottom of a ficus' pot. Then don't water again until the plant's soil is dry a few inches down from the soil surface.

What do you feed a ficus tree?

Water-soluble and liquid fertilizers are best for ficus trees, according to Bachman's. Slow-release fertilizers feed plants with a steady stream of nitrogen, which can be good for the ficus tree's leaves. Ficus plants, however, do not need fertilizers during dormancy and can be harmed by too much fertilizer.

Are eggshells good for plants?

Fertilizer. Above: When tilled into the soil, ground eggshells provide your plants with calcium. Though nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are most vital for healthy growth, calcium is also essential for building healthy “bones”—the cell walls of a plant. More shells can be mixed into your soil in the spring.

Do ficus trees need direct sunlight?

Most ficus trees enjoy bright indirect or filtered light with variegated varieties happily able to take medium light. Bright, direct light may result in scalding of the leaves and leaf loss. Ficus trees also cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts.

What is best fertilizer for ficus trees?

The best fertilizer for ficus trees is a balanced blend, such as 8-8-8, applied monthly in spring and summer and every other month in fall and winter.

Do ficus trees go dormant?

Like most plants, a ficus tree goes through a normal cycle of growth during the year. A tropical plant native to India and southeast Asia, the ficus doesn't become totally dormant during the colder months, but it does slow or stop growing when the sunny hours become fewer each day.

How do I grow more leaves on my ficus tree?

Water your ficus tree regularly throughout the growing season. Just make sure to allow the compost to dry out a bit before re-watering. Fertilize every three weeks with a well-diluted house plant feed, but only throughout the summer months. The extra nutrients will help to promote new shoots and leaves.

Can ficus trees live outside?

Ficus trees (Ficus spp.) are not cold hardy, and as a result are more commonly grown indoors than out. You can grow these trees outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 or 10 through 11, depending on the species.

Are banana peels good for plants?

Nutrients. Banana peels contain nutrients that are essential for healthy potted plants. However, they don't contain everything your plant needs. As they decompose, banana peels add potassium as well as small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium to the soil in a similar fashion as a slow-release fertilizer.

How quickly do ficus trees grow?

Ficus, or fig trees, are fast-growing subtropical and tropical climate trees. They are also grown as shrubs, bushes and indoor houseplants. Exact growth rates differ greatly from species to species and site to site, but healthy, fast-growing trees usually reach 25 feet within 10 years.

Are used coffee grounds good for indoor plants?

Directly applying coffee grounds to indoor plant soil can cause excessive moisture retention, fungal overgrowth and even impair plant growth. Coffee grounds are a very useful source of nutrients that indoor plants can use effectively, and a very cost effective fertilizer.