How long do ficus trees live?

How long do ficus trees live?

Fig trees frequently produce two harvests per season. Their period of high productivity lasts for 10 to 15 years, though the trees' life spans are much longer.

How deep do ficus tree roots go?

Dig a trench directly next to the pavement where the Ficus tree may reach with its mature roots. The trench should be approximately 1' deep.

Why are the leaves on my ficus tree falling off?

Incorrect watering – Under watering or over watering both can cause a ficus tree to lose leaves. In an improperly watered ficus tree may have yellowing leaves and the ficus tree leaves may curl. Too little light – Another reason for ficus tree leaves falling off is that the tree is getting too little light.

How far back can you trim a ficus tree?

This will prevent unsightly stubs and restore the size and appearance of the ficus. Cut at a slant away from the node or secondary branch. If you have a damaged ficus with lots of dead growth, prune away no more than one-third of the material. You can cut more off later as the plant recovers.

Do ficus trees need a lot of light?

Ficus trees prefer bright light, though not much direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves. Ficus trees can tolerate moderate light and survive in low light, but expect sparser plants needing less water in those conditions.

Why are my ficus leaves turning yellow and falling off?

Yellowing of your ficus leaves is another clear indicator of water stress. Ficus leaves may also turn yellow if the humidity is low. If the soil feels moist, mist the leaves to increase humidity around the plant. Yellowing leaves often occurs on indoor ficus during the winter when indoor air tends to be dry.

Do ficus plants need sunlight?

Most ficus trees enjoy bright indirect or filtered light with variegated varieties happily able to take medium light. Bright, direct light may result in scalding of the leaves and leaf loss. Ficus trees also cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts.

How do you repot an indoor ficus tree?

Water-soluble and liquid fertilizers are best for ficus trees, according to Bachman's. Slow-release fertilizers feed plants with a steady stream of nitrogen, which can be good for the ficus tree's leaves. Ficus plants, however, do not need fertilizers during dormancy and can be harmed by too much fertilizer.

What fertilizer to use for ficus trees?

The best fertilizer for ficus trees is a balanced blend, such as 8-8-8, applied monthly in spring and summer and every other month in fall and winter.

How do you water a ficus tree?

Ficus benjamina should be watered moderately in spring and summer but sparingly in winter. In spring and summer, pour water until you see it coming out the drainage holes at the bottom of a ficus' pot. Then don't water again until the plant's soil is dry a few inches down from the soil surface.

How big do ficus trees get?

Description. Also known as Benjamin tree and small-leaved rubber plant, ficus can grow up to 60 feet tall with a spread of up to 100 feet in tropical regions, and will thrive in full sun or in dense shade of the forest.

Do ficus plants need drainage?

Ficus plants need consistent, but moderate watering throughout the growing season, with dry spells in the winter. Well-draining soil is essential to keeping these plants healthy.