How long before your trip should you take Dukoral?

How long before your trip should you take Dukoral?

A single-dose DUKORAL® format is available from your pharmacist and should be taken at least one week before you travel.

Can I get dukoral over the counter in Canada?

About DUKORAL® DUKORAL ® is a vaccine that you drink, and it is available from a pharmacist without a prescription for protection against travellers' diarrhea.

Should I take Dukoral before going to Mexico?

Update your vaccines Depending on where you are travelling in Mexico, you may be at risk for different infectious diseases. If you are going on a resort vacation, consider these vaccines: hepatitis A, hepatitis B and Dukoral, which helps to prevent traveller's diarrhea caused by E. coli and cholera.

Is Dukoral worth taking?

However, if the bacteria causing the diarrhea is not ETEC or is of another cause (virus or parasite as examples), Dukoral won't be as effective. So this means that while Dukoral can provide a nice layer of protection against traveller's diarrhea, it will not completely eliminate the risk of getting sick.