How is kvass made?

How is kvass made?

Kvass is made by the natural fermentation of bread, such as wheat, rye, or barley, and sometimes flavoured using fruit, berries, raisins, or birch sap collected in the early spring.

Does kvass contain alcohol?

Usually, kvass contains not more than 1.5% of alcohol by volume, but if it stands for longer time, the concentration can become 2.5% or higher. Unlike beer, the kvass is generally considered to be a nonalcoholic beverage and is drunk by children of all ages without any limit.

How long should kvass ferment?

around 8 to 12 hoursFerment for around 8 to 12 hours, until you see some bubbling going on, then strain the liquid into a bottle or into recycled soda bottles if you want carbonation. Check the pressure and place the bottles in the refrigerator when ready. Drink within a couple of weeks.

Is kvass a beer?

Traditionally made by open fermenting a slurry of water and hard breads made from dark grains—standard kvass is not quite a beer, but a fermented beverage—kvass is a stalwart component of Russian and Eastern European food culture.