How intense is flight attendant training?

How intense is flight attendant training?

It is difficult and as it should be because the job as a Cabin Crew isn't only to serve chicken and beef. There are tons of duties a crew have that might not be seen by passengers. But 100% worth it, because when the training is done you have learned and experienced a lot.

How long is Frontier Airlines flight attendant training?

Our in-flight training was very detailed and lasted at least 6 weeks. You were paid to attend. Providing you maintained a test score percentage of 90 percent or better. Four weeks plus one – two day IOE, pay approximately 19.58 per hour.

What is the salary of a flight attendant?

Being a flight attendant isn't like your typical 9-to-5 job. According to Delta's careers page, flight attendants can expect 4 a.m. wake-up calls and sporadic hours, delays, and flight cancellations that will nix plans, and weekends and holidays spent working.

How long is American Airlines flight attendant training?

The training program for American Airlines' flight attendant candidates is 6 1/2 weeks long and is unpaid. Only after graduation from the program do candidates receive an official job offer.

Does SkyWest pay for flight attendant training?

Initial New Hire Training: Initial New Hire Flight Attendant Training is held in Salt Lake City, Utah at the SkyWest Airlines Hangar. The first phase of training will take place for 32 consecutive days with two non-consecutive days off. Training Compensation: Training is paid at 65 flight hours.

Is Delta flight attendant training hard?

Inside the intensive, two-month training all Delta flight attendants must attend that's harder to get into than Harvard. For aspiring flight attendants, Delta Air Lines, ranked by its employees as one of the best places to work, is also one of the most difficult places to get a job.

Can you fail cabin crew training?

'As a Cabin Crew trainer, I had to fail 19 students in 6 months. This was for anything from being late to class to failing a particular test. They get a few chances and would only lose a point or two for each fail, but these add up and sadly this does cost some of them the chance to continue.

Do I need to know how do you swim to be a flight attendant?

There is no swimming test during the recruitment phase, but you must learn how to swim before you board on the plane. During the cabin crew licensing training, you must prove that you are not afraid of water and, if needed, you can swim.

Can you be a flight attendant if you’re short?

Most flight attendants are between 5'2″ and 5'9″ tall. You can always apply to be a flight attendant for a commuter airline; commuter aircraft are much smaller, making height less critical. Conversely, if you are a little on the tall side, most major airlines' maximum height requirement is right around 6'2″.

Is flight attendant school necessary?

No special or specific college degree is needed to become a flight attendant. You don't even need to attend flight attendants school to work the friendly skies. It does help, with some airlines, to have at least two years of college when applying for a flight attendant's job.

Where is flight attendant school?

Business casual will be the “uniform of the day” on classroom days, which includes skirts, khakis, Dockers, and dress pants paired with a non-revealing shirts or blouses. When in the cabin trainers, you will wear jeans or slacks, and will probably want athletic-type shoes for all the moving you will be doing.

How do I learn airport code?

They are there to inform people that there is indeed a true emergency on the plane or with it. This is also commonly used in the airport itself. In event of a Code Red, the normal directive is to try and land the plane as best you can at the nearest place you can do so.

How much do flight attendants make Reddit?

They might make that per hour, but they don't get paid for hours including boarding, taxiing, flight delays, flight cancellations, etc. so there's a lot more work they don't get paid for that goes into that $26. Most also get a per diem rate as well, but it's usually around $1. Entry level makes around $38k per year.