How hard is it to pass the bar exam?

How hard is it to pass the bar exam?

And you have to choose the BEST of the two correct answers—that is, if you properly narrow it down in the first place. That is maddening. But it is an excellent example of why it is said that the Bar Exam is created with the intent to fail a good percentage of test takers. So in conclusion – THE BAR EXAM IS HARD.

What does it mean to pass the bar?

Pass the bar. Currently, "to pass the bar" means, in the U.S., to pass the bar exam, the consequence of which is to be permitted to practice law in whichever state offered the exam. Each state has its own requirements for the practice of law, and its own examination.

What is in the bar exam?

The most common testing configuration consists of a two-day bar examination, one day of which is devoted to the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), a standardized 200-item test covering six areas (Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Evidence, Real Property, and Torts).