How does the clergyman describe Scoresby?

How does the clergyman describe Scoresby?

According to the clergyman who is sitting on Twain’s left at the banquet table, Scoresby is a lucky but ordinary human being who has found success through accidental military incidents. Years and years ago, the clergyman was an instructor at Woolwich Military Academy, where Scoresby was seeking to enroll.

Why did the Reverend feel responsible for Scoresby?

The reverend wants to protect Scoresby from harm that may befall him from his undeserved success. The reverend has come to love Scoresby, and is constantly pleased with his successes. The Reverend believes Scoresby to be a loveable fool. The Reverend looks down on Scoresby and feels superior to him.

How does the clergyman feel about Scoresby when he first meets him?

The Reverend believes Scoresby to be a loveable fool. The Reverend cares for Scoresby and is pleased that he continues to save himself. The Reverend believes Scoresby to be to unintelligent to do anything right.

How does Scoresby fare in the field during the Crimean War?

CA. He is exposed for the fraud that he is by making many. mistakes.

Is luck a theme?

The theme of luck is about luck. Luck : Luck refers to that which happens beyond a person’s control. This view incorporates phenomena that are chance happenings, a person’s place of birth for example, but where there is no uncertainty involved, or where the uncertainty is irrelevant.

What is Mark Twain satirizing in advice to youth?

Twain advises youth to start “early” to learn “this gracious and beautiful art… If I had begun earlier, I would have learned how.” However, considering that the true purpose of satire is to try & bring change, it is more likely that Twain is satirizing the “do as I say – not as I do” adult world.

How does the melodramatic tone impact the meaning of the passage?

How does the melodramatic tone impact the meaning of the passage? It indicates that the author does not believe the story is true. It creates in the reader an excitement about Scoresby defying the odds and becoming successful. It allows the author to illustrate his philosophy on life.

Is pure luck or chance fair?

Answer: Nothing is fair. Pure luck or chance are not fair. This is because luck or chance are completely random in nature, and not at all favorable to those that deserve it.