
How does morbidity differ from mortality?

How does morbidity differ from mortality?

One morbidity may lead to another morbidity. Need a report like this for your local community? Mortality, on the other hand, is the condition of being dead. You usually hear of mortality in terms of the number of deaths in a population over time, either in general or due to a specific cause.

What is morbidity?

morbidity (mor-BIH-dih-tee) Refers to having a disease or a symptom of disease, or to the amount of disease within a population. Morbidity also refers to medical problems caused by a treatment.

What is morbidity risk?

The morbidity rate is the frequency or proportion with which a disease appears in a population. Morbidity rates are used in actuarial professions, such as health insurance, life insurance, and long-term care insurance to determine the premiums to charge to customers.

What is a mortality and morbidity review?

Mortality and Morbidity (M&M) meetings, established to review deaths as part of professional learning, have the potential to provide hospital boards with the assurance that patients are not dying as a consequence of unsafe clinical practices.