How do you wait for something you really want?

How do you wait for something you really want?

To wait patiently, try to occupy your time by answering emails, reading a magazine, putting on music, or playing a game on your phone. If you feel yourself getting anxious or impatient, take a few slow, deep breaths to stay calm. Focus on the positive whenever possible to make the wait more comfortable.

How can I make 2 months go by fast?

Perhaps in the morning one procrastinates getting/going to work, thus time moves more slowly. Just an idea of mine probably because your brain is in boot up process, so you are not much aware what is going on around you. If you do time-consuming things that absorb your attention, it will make time go by quickly.

How do I distract myself while waiting?

The reason time can go by so fast when you sleep, is because you do not become conscious of time. Once you become unconscious, time passes much faster. On the other hand, sometimes our dreams can seem much longer than our time spent sleeping. This is because emotions can slow down or speed up time.

Why do time flies so fast?

Long story short, they found that most subjects reported that time passes by so fast because we have so much to do and not enough time in which to do everything. Researchers called this “time pressure,” and it goes hand in hand with stress. Thus, our perception of time flies.