How do you use the word entail?

How do you use the word entail?

Entail in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Since I have never been married, I am unsure of what my wifely duties will entail.
  2. The holiday party for three hundred guests will entail a lot of work from the event planner.
  3. Winning the war will entail sending ten thousand soldiers to a foreign country.

What is another word for entail?

Entail Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for entail?

require involve
demand necessitate
need encompass
warrant impose
mean call for

What is the entail in Downton Abbey?

An entail (a.k.a. “fee tail”) is basically a will that sets up a primogeniture system for real estate. A lord or other landholder leaves his house and land to his son “and the male heirs of his body.” It ensures that a single male descendant gets all the family’s real estate.

Does entail mean involve?

To entail is to involve. A job at a movie theater might entail sweeping popcorn off the floor, probably because watching a movie entails eating popcorn in the dark. That’s what being responsible entails!

What future holds for me meaning?

phrase [VERB inflects] If you wonder what the future holds, you wonder what will happen in the future. We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son. See full dictionary entry for future.

What the future holds saying?

If you wonder what the future holds, you wonder what will happen in the future. We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son.

Who knows what the future holds for us?

Eric Metaxas Quotes No one knows what the future holds, except the One Who holds the future!

Will entail in a sentence?

It will entail driving a long distance every day. 7. The enterprise will entail enormous expense and labour on us.

What does entails mean in logic?

Logical Entailment

What is the entail in Pride and Prejudice?

Entail restricts the sale or inheritance of an estate and prevents the property from being sold, or left by will, to anyone other than a pre-determined heir. The primogeniture system, meant the eldest son inherits the title, even if he had an older sister.

Who inherits longbourn?

It brings an annual income of ÂŁ2,000. The estate is entailed to the nearest male relative, which makes it impossible for the daughters to inherit. William Collins, a cousin of Mr. Bennet’s whose father he disliked, is his heir.

Who is Mr Bennet’s favorite daughter?

daughter Elizabeth

What is wrong with Lady Catherine’s daughter?

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a condition when a caregiver exaggerates or induces health problems in their children in order to gain attention. So was Lady Catherine putting some sort of poisonous nettle in her daughter Anne’s ragout? Let’s examine the facts: Proof Point 1: Anne has been sick her entire life.

Why does Lady Catherine not like Elizabeth?

She tries to intimidate Elizabeth because she thinks that Elizabeth wants to marry Mr. Darcy. Lady Catherine does not approve of this turn of events, because she wants Mr. Darcy to marry her daughter, Anne, who she considers a better match in terms of status.

Who do the Bennet sisters marry?

Lydia Wickham (née Bennet) is the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. She is married to George Wickham and has four sisters, Jane Bingley, Elizabeth Darcy, Mary Bennet, and Catherine Bennet.

Who does Caroline Bingley marry?

Mr. Darcy

Did Mr Darcy really love Elizabeth?

Darcy is attracted to Elizabeth early on, but he sees her as unfit socially as a wife; however his feelings for her are such that he decides to forgo convention to marry the woman he loves, fitting him into the mould of a Romantic hero.

Who does Elizabeth Bennet fall in love with?

Did Elizabeth Bennet marry for love?

Despite Charlotte marrying Mr. Collins, Lizzy realised that Charlotte’s demeanour did not change after her marriage, and she was more focused on keeping her friend than being upset over her choice in a husband. Charlotte chose a more practical option for marriage, while Elizabeth chose to marry for love.

Why is Darcy attracted to Elizabeth?

Darcy comes to love Eliabeth sincerely by the end of the novel therefore because she is one of the only women to stand up to him and to teach him a lesson that leads to true development in his character. This builds on his earlier favourable impressions of Elizabeth to form a solid, lasting regard and love towards her.

What did Darcy say about Elizabeth?

When his friend points out Elizabeth “sitting down behind you,” Darcy replies, “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at person to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men.

Why does Elizabeth walk to Netherfield?

Elizabeth chose to walk to Netherfield Park after discovering that her sister had fallen ill. With no horses or carriage available to her for the journey, she took it upon herself to walk the three miles there, much to the horror of her mother.

Does Mr Darcy kiss Elizabeth?

~*~ She held out her hand; he kissed it with affectionate gallantry, though he hardly knew how to look, and they entered the house. Consequently, when Darcy finally kissed Elizabeth at the end of the film, I was absolutely enthralled.