How do you use procure in a sentence?

How do you use procure in a sentence?

Procure in a Sentence 🔉

  1. In order to make sandwiches to feed the homeless, we will need to procure donations from local businesses.
  2. You may have to barter with Jim to procure the essential supplies you need.

What does procuring mean?

1 transitive : to get possession of (something) : to obtain (something) by particular care and effort procure a loan She had managed to procure a hat shaped like a life-size lion’s head, which was perched precariously on her head.—

What is another word for procure?

What is another word for procure?

get acquire
obtain secure
find buy
gain land
win appropriate

What does quelled mean?

1 : to stop or end by force Police quelled a riot. 2 : quiet entry 4, calm He quelled their fears.

What is the best synonym for procure?

other words for procure

  • solicit.
  • appropriate.
  • cop.
  • find.
  • have.
  • persuade.
  • secure.
  • win.

What is another word for scanty?

Some common synonyms of scanty are meager, scant, skimpy, spare, and sparse.

What is another word for attracted?


What is opposite of attract?

attract. Antonyms: repel, deter, indispose, disincline, estrange, alienate. Synonyms: influence, induce, dispose, incline, tempt, prompt, allure, charm, fascinate, invite, entice.

What is it called when something draws you in?

Up vote 1. According to your description a word for when a person feels very drawn to something in a way that the object itself is calling out to you and as a result, you feel drawn to it. I’d suggest the word gravitate. On-line Thesaurus has following synonyms: be pulled, be influenced, sink, be attracted, drift etc.

What is the phrasal verb of draw in?

If you say that the nights, evenings, or days are drawing in, you mean that it is becoming dark at an earlier time in the evening, because autumn or winter is approaching. If you draw someone in or draw them into something you are involved with, you cause them to become involved with it.

What does captivate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait and with an irresistible appeal We were captivated by her beauty. The scenery captivated our attention.

What is another word for drawing?

What is another word for drawing?

sketch picture
depiction painting
delineation portrayal
plan diagram
outline design

How do you say good drawing?

Comments for a sketch on Instagram

  1. Fantastic work.
  2. I found it difficult to stop looking at the drawing once I saw this art.
  3. Your work reminds me a little bit of Van Gough and Pablo Picasso.
  4. This drawing looks like a real photo.
  5. It is a beautiful piece of art.
  6. I love your style of drawing.

Is drew a word?

v. Past tense of draw.

What does drew mean in soccer?

A score draw is the result of a football match in which both teams score at least one goal, and they score the same number of goals.

What type of word is Drew?

verb. simple past tense of draw.

Is Thue a word?

Thue is an esoteric programming language invented by John Colagioia in early 2000. It is a meta-language that can be used to define or recognize Type-0 languages from the Chomsky hierarchy. It is to the constraint-based paradigm what languages like OISC are to the imperative paradigm; in other words, it’s a tar pit.”

What is a true word?

Things that are true are accurate, honest, and correct. There are many specific meanings, but when something is true, you can believe it. This word has many meanings, but they’re all pretty much the opposite of false. And when you’re true to yourself, you’re being honest about what you want and feel.

What is false?

adjective, fals·er, fals·est. not true or correct; erroneous: a false statement. uttering or declaring what is untrue:a false witness. not faithful or loyal; treacherous: a false friend. tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive: a false impression.

What is a false 9?

The false 9, in some ways similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. A false 9 was also utilized by Hungary during the beginning of the 1950s, with striker Nándor Hidegkuti acting in the role.

What is another word for false statement?

What is another word for false statement?

perjury forswearing
giving false testimony lying under oath
wilful falsehood deceitfulness
deception dishonesty
equivocation false oath

Does false mean no?

“Not true” and the synonymous adjective “false” describe a state of affairs where this condition of utterance is unsatisfied (met, obtained…) “Not true” is also used in a sense which “false” is not commonly accepted to indicate a nil (or null) status regarding truth value.