How do you use ish in time?

How do you use ish in time?

When referring to time “-ish” means within plus or minus 15 minutes. When referring to a number “-ish” means within 5.

What time does 10ish mean?

Around 10 o’clock. It is very informal.

What time is 4ish?

If someone writes that they will call at 4ish, I have taken that to mean that they will call within 15 minutes of 4 p.m. and not much later. 4:30 p.m. is my personal cutoff for a timely response. In this case, “ish” ended up meaning not that day, and I eventually rescheduled the call to a later date.

Why do languages end in ish?

The ‘ish’ ending is Germanic. Thus, the names for some languages migrated into English with a Germanic suffix, and some ended up with a Latin one.

Why are country names different in different languages?

Sometimes it’s simply due to places being referred to by different tribes or groups that once lived there. Germany, for example, is called “Deutschland” in German, which translates to “the land of [our] people.” Its English name comes from a tribe that resided there.

Why do Eastern European names end in IC?

The -ić suffix is a Slavic diminutive, originally functioning to create patronymics. Thus the surname Petrović means the little son of Petar (Petrić signifies the little son of Petra, the widow). Most Serbian surnames are paternal (father), maternal (mother), occupational, or derived from personal traits.

What is the suffix of nation?

Suffix for the word ‘nation’… Nations. National. Nationally. Nationality.

What does nation mean in slang?

Nation in this sense goes back to the mid-1700’s at least, and can also mean “large,” “great,” or “excellent.” This is part of a complete episode.

What is another name for nation?

Synonyms of nation

  • commonwealth,
  • country,
  • land,
  • sovereignty.
  • (also sovranty),
  • state.

Are humans territorial animals?

(g) By virtue of their weapons, humans are the only organisms that can engage in territorial warfare without trespassing. (h) Humans are also the only territorial organisms that routinely entertain conspecifics on home ground without antagonism (as in visiting).

Is a territory a state?

But a territory, legally and under the U.S. Constitution, is simply a piece of land belonging to the United States. It is not a state, and it is not a country. It is a possession of the United States, a piece of land owned by the nation.

How does a territory become a state?

Once the territory meets the requirements of Congress, Congress votes. A simple majority in the House and the Senate is all that is required to make a new state. Once this takes place, the territory becomes a State, and has all the rights, responsibilities, and powers of a State.

What is the difference between a territory and a state?

A state is a country. After the revolution the States were individual countries until they signed the Constitution. For new states to be added, they have to become a territory and then ratify the Constitution. A territory is a country that the United States has promised to protect.