How do you use cohesive in a sentence?

How do you use cohesive in a sentence?

Cohesive in a Sentence 🔉

  1. To make perfect pie dough, you must mix the ingredients until they are cohesive.
  2. These terrorist cells are so cohesive it is nearly impossible to gain access to any of the group members.
  3. While Mark had some great suggestions, he needed to turn them into one cohesive proposal.

How do you write a cohesive sentence?

A cohesive sentence must make sense. A cohesive sentence must flow with the sentences around it. A cohesive sentence must be coherent and fit with other sentences around it. Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) must agree in cohesive sentences.

How can I improve my writing fluency?

Using Timed Practice with Repeated Writings to Promote Sentence-Writing Fluency. Students’ writing fluency can improve through timed practice featuring repeated writings, all the while measuring what is being written and working toward writing goals.

What are some examples of coherence?

Examples of Coherence in Literature

  • Example #1: One Man’s Meat (by E.B. White)
  • Example #2: A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens)
  • Example #3: Animal Farm (by George Orwell)
  • Example #4: Unpopular Essays (by Bertrand Russell)

How do you improve conciseness in writing?

Writing Concisely

  1. Eliminate unnecessary phrases and redundancies.
  2. Use clear and straightforward language.
  3. Write in active voice.
  4. Shorten wordy phrases.
  5. Avoid starting sentences with “there is”, “there are”, or “it is”.
  6. Eliminate extra nouns.
  7. Eliminate filler words such as “that”, “of”, or “up”.

Are wordy sentences bad?

Wordy sentences use too many useless words that clutter writing. Good writing is simple and direct; it uses the simplest word possible that conveys the same meaning. Wordiness takes away from this clarity.

How do you avoid wordy in a sentence?

How to Avoid Wordiness

  1. Cut Adjectives and Adverbs. This is something Ernest Hemingway became famous for.
  2. Eliminate Redundant Words and Phrases.
  3. Don’t Use Unnecessary Prepositions.
  4. Avoid Passive Voice.
  5. Use Simple Past/Present Instead of Present/Past Perfect and Present/Past Continuous.
  6. Synthesis.
  7. Nick.

How do I get rid of intricate text?

How to get rid of “intricate text” warnings in Grammarly. The main reason Grammarly gives an “intricate text” warning is if a single sentence has too many clauses within it. By splitting long sentences into shorter ones, you can both get rid of the error and write a clearer sentence.

How do you use intricate in a sentence?

Intricate sentence example

  1. She started to hand him what looked like an intricate carving in the side of an orange.
  2. Of course the more intricate the design the more numerous the processes.
  3. The article on France must be consulted for the intricate events of the following years.

How reliable is Grammarly?

Grammarly catches most errors and gives suggestions to improve the quality of your writing. It’s highly accurate and better than most grammar/spell checkers.

What is a text inconsistency?

A gap happens when a writer leaves out some important element, and an inconsistency occurs when a writer contradicts himself or herself. Texts can also have inconsistencies or contradictions, which can affect the credibility of nonfiction texts and the enjoyment of fiction texts.

What is an example of inconsistency?

Example: {Everyone left the room. John is someone who is still in the room.} This is the kind of inconsistency we will pay most attention to in our course. There are inconsistencies with our expectations as in Mark Twain’s joke about approving of the funeral.

What is inconsistency in a relationship?

If a person is consistently inconsistent, the behavior is likely to be conscious. We’re not always going to be in a good mood. Sometimes we won’t feel like talking, going out, showing affection, or even being around people. You never feel safe or quite sure of your relationship with the other person.

How do you fix inconsistency?

To help, here are a half-dozen ways to overcome any tendency of inconsistency.

  1. Put Your Priorities On A Pedestal.
  2. Camera In The Corner.
  3. Think See-Say.
  4. Mind Your Mood Swings & Impulses.
  5. Same Situation, Different Treatment Doesn’t Work.
  6. Put Repeatable Processes In Place.

What is inconsistent behavior?

Erratic/inconsistent behavior is behavior that is unpredictable, or may be considered irregular or illogical for the situation, or not keeping with the standards of behavior for a given set of circumstances.

How do you stay consistent?

Here are a few best practices:

  1. Isolate one goal. Developing consistency goes against human nature.
  2. Focus on incremental improvement. You’re not going to develop a positive, worthwhile habit overnight.
  3. Fight your emotions. The brain is a taxing organ.
  4. Forgive your failures.

Why does inconsistency occur?

A file system can develop inconsistencies in several ways. The most common causes are operator error and hardware failures. Problems might result from an unclean shutdown, if a system is shut down improperly, or when a mounted file system is taken offline improperly.

What does inconsistency mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of inconsistency : the quality or fact of not staying the same at different times. : the quality or fact of having parts that disagree with each other. : a difference or disagreement between two statements which means that both cannot be true.

Why is it hard to stay consistent?

It’s hard to be consistent because we tend to focus on the outcome more than the process. Put another way, we’re more drawn to the positive feelings of outcomes rather than the struggle of the journey. Most of us quit during the struggle before we can experience the rewards of staying the course.

Which is an example of an inconsistency in a story?

Explanation: let’s say a character has been known as stubborn the entire story, and all of a sudden, they become very bendable in there views, theres a difference between inconsistentancy and growth. saying a object is in one room, and then writing that the object was in another.