How do you use alternate in a sentence?
How do you use alternate in a sentence?
Alternate shades of wood formed a pattern around the window. We took an alternate route because of the traffic. Due to an emergency, the plane landed at an alternate airport. The poem alternates fear and hope.
What is an antonym for alternate?
alternate, jump(verb) go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions. Antonyms: noncyclic, paired, noncyclical, opposite, primary.
What is a synonym for alternately?
juxtapose. interlace, intersperse, interweave, lace, salt, thread, weave, wreathe. insert, intermingle, mingle, mix.
What part of speech is alternative?
story, tale, yarn. Words Related to anecdote. episode, event, happening, incident, occurrence. recital, recitation.
What is the synonym of method?
mode, style, standard procedure, fashion, way, means, program, tenor, process, proceeding, adjustment, disposition, disposal, practice, routine, technic, technique, approach, method of attack, mode of operation, manner of working, ways and means, habit, custom, modus operandi (Latin), manner, formula, process, course, …
What is the synonym of approach?
arrive, attain, come, gain, hit, land, make, reach, show up, turn up, waltz (up) creep up, sneak up. adjoin, border, touch, verge.