How do you thin out correction fluid?

How do you thin out correction fluid?

Add one or two drops of the nail polish remover and screw the lid onto the correction fluid. Shake the bottle for one minute. Next, test the thickness of the fluid by painting a line onto a scrap sheet of paper. If it's not thin enough, add another drop of nail polish remover and repeat the process.

What happens if you inhale correction fluid?

Abuse as an inhalant Organic solvents are psychoactive when sufficient amounts are inhaled. Use of correction fluid as an inhalant can cause the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly, which can cause death. An unpleasant smell is added to some brands in order to deter abusers.

What is the solvent in white out?

The first chemical is titanium dioxide, which has a color index of pigment white, the standard color for correction fluid. Next are the solvent naphtha, petroleum and light aliphatic, which mix with the initial chemical.

Why is correction fluid not allowed in exams?

Your answer papers may be scanned to allow online marking by examiners and correction fluid or tape can cause issues when scanning. The use of erasable pen during writing examinations often leaves smudges, making papers harder to read.