How do you switch between applications on a Mac?
How do you switch between applications on a Mac?
Use Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab to cycle forward and backward through your open applications. (This functionality is almost identical to Alt-Tab on PCs.) 2. Or, swipe up on the touchpad with three fingers to view the windows of open apps, allowing you to quickly switch between programs.
How do you move the Dock on a Mac?
Hold down the SHIFT key and grab the Dock's handle bar, which separates the app icons from the folder icons and Trash, then drag the Dock to the Left, Right, or Bottom of the screen to relocate it to that position.
How do you close applications on a Mac?
Press these three keys together: Option, Command, and Esc (Escape). This is similar to pressing Control-Alt-Delete on a PC. Or choose Force Quit from the Apple () menu in the upper-left corner of your screen. Select the app in the Force Quit window, then click Force Quit.
What is Mission Control on a Mac?
In macOS, Mission Control is a tool that lets you see every application you have open in every virtual window on your Mac. You can also use Mission Control to switch between applications or move applications to different virtual windows. Here's how. Open System Preferences and navigate to the Mission Control tab.