How do you spoil a Chihuahua?

How do you spoil a Chihuahua?

To spoil a chihuahua, get it a big, fluffy dog bed to sleep in when it's not cuddled up with you at night. You can also fill a basket with fun toys for your chihuahua to choose from, like tennis balls, squeaky toys, and stuffed animals.

Do Chihuahuas love their owners?

If not, Chihuahua owners will likely find themselves being trained by their clever companions instead. The Chihuahua is a great city dog and a fine little buddy. Contrary to the beliefs of many, it is a true dog if treated as such, and will reward a loving human family with great charm, loyalty and affection.

Do Chihuahuas have a favorite person?

For all their sass, most Chihuahuas enjoy an abundance of lap time and do not enjoy spending too much time outdoors. They are widely known to gravitate toward one person and reject new people, but that may be because dogs are more inclined to like those that are more in sync with their own personality.

Why do Chihuahuas cuddle so much?

Chihuahuas specifically have this tendency because they are small dogs and they were bred to be loving companions to their owners. It is the Chihuahua nature to react to their surroundings by burrowing. Don't be alarmed if your dog loves to cuddle up!