How do you solve TANX COSX?

How do you solve TANX COSX?

First multiply both sides by cosx in order to get tanx = cosx. It then helps to write tanx in terms of cosx and sinx (tanx = sinx/cosx) and if we put this into the equation we now have, we get sinx/cosx = cosx. Then multiply both sides by cosx a second time, to get sinx=cos2x.

What is TANX Tany?

tanx + tany = sin(x + y)

What is the maximum value of tan theta?

the maximum value of tan theta is infinity. tan θ does not have any maximum or minimum values. tan θ = 1 when θ = 45 ˚ and 225˚ .

Can you tan 20 Theta?

d) tan θ = 20 is correct since tan θ ∈ R. Thus, option (C) sec θ = ½ is the correct answer.

What is the maximum of cosine?

Properties Of The Cosine Graph Maximum value of cos θ is 1 when θ = 0˚, 360˚. Minimum value of cos θ is –1 when θ = 180 ˚. So, the range of values of cos θ is – 1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1.

At what angle is sine at a minimum?

Minimum value of sin θ is –1 when θ = 270 ˚. So, the range of values of sin θ is –1 ≤ sin θ ≤ 1. As the point θ moves round the unit circle in either the clockwise or anticlockwise direction, the sine curve above repeats itself for every interval of 360˚.

How do you find the maximum and minimum of a function?


  1. WE SAY THAT A FUNCTION f(x) has a relative maximum value at x = a,
  2. We say that a function f(x) has a relative minimum value at x = b,
  3. The value of the function, the value of y, at either a maximum or a minimum is called an extreme value.
  4. f ‘(x) = 0.
  5. In other words, at a maximum, f ‘(x) changes sign from + to − .

How do you find the relative maximum and minimum of a function?

Find the first derivative of a function f(x) and find the critical numbers. Then, find the second derivative of a function f(x) and put the critical numbers. If the value is negative, the function has relative maxima at that point, if the value is positive, the function has relative maxima at that point.

Can you have two absolute minimums?

It is completely possible for a function to not have a relative maximum and/or a relative minimum. Again, the function doesn’t have any relative maximums. As this example has shown there can only be a single absolute maximum or absolute minimum value, but they can occur at more than one place in the domain.

Are endpoints critical points?

If you purely stick to a definition being that the two-sided derivative does not exist, or is equal to zero at a point, then of course an endpoint would be considered a critical point, since the two-sided derivative obviously does not exist at an endpoint.

Can endpoints be inflection points?

And endpoints are irrelevant in any case. So think about it this way: there may or may not be points of inflection. If there are, they occur at interior points of the domain and they definitely do not occur at points with a positive or negative second derivative.

What if there are no critical points?

Also if a function has no critical point then it means there no change in slope from positive to negative or vice versa so the graph is increasing or decreasing which can be find out by differentiation and putting value of X . If it has no critical points, it is either everywhere increasing or everywhere decreasing.

What is saddle point in optimization?

A Saddle Point Critical points of a function of two variables are those points at which both partial derivatives of the function are zero. A critical point of a function of a single variable is either a local maximum, a local minimum, or neither. at the point.

How do you solve critical points?

Critical Points

  1. Let f(x) be a function and let c be a point in the domain of the function.
  2. Solve the equation f′(c)=0:
  3. Solve the equation f′(c)=0:
  4. Solving the equation f′(c)=0 on this interval, we get one more critical point:
  5. The domain of f(x) is determined by the conditions:

How do you find the points of inflection?

Explanation: A point of inflection is found where the graph (or image) of a function changes concavity. To find this algebraically, we want to find where the second derivative of the function changes sign, from negative to positive, or vice-versa. So, we find the second derivative of the given function.

Can critical points be imaginary? if the critical point if some function is 0, then its tan line is 0, if the critical point Is positive, then slope is positive and if the critical point is negitave then it’s a negitave slope. Then its derivative would be 6x 2 +24 reduced to 6(x 2 +4) and set x 2 +4 = 0 and the critical point is imaginary.

What is critical point in phase diagram?

Critical point, in physics, the set of conditions under which a liquid and its vapour become identical (see phase diagram). For each substance, the conditions defining the critical point are the critical temperature, the critical pressure, and the critical density.