How do you say I have mailed you?

How do you say I have mailed you?

“I mailed you” is past tense. Whereas “I have mailed you” is present perfect tense.

Has been sent by mail?

You sendt a command to the mail program “send the mail”. The appropriate reply is “I have sent the mail as you instructed”. That becomes “Mail has been sent”. The mail program is reporting what it has done, not just what has happened in the past.

Have you sent or have you send?

“Have you sent” is correct as sent is the v3 of send.

Have emailed or had emailed?

“I had emailed you the file.” Grammatically, there is nothing wrong with your sentence, but the broader context would have to justify the use of the past perfect.

Have emailed meaning?

A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network. 2. A message or messages sent or received by such a system. tr.v. e·mailed, e·mail·ing, e·mails or e-mailed or e-mail·ing or e-mails.

Have been sent meaning?

If the report is on its way, you can say: is being sent. Of course if you say:has been sent, you have to realise that it is also being sent and that means it hasn’t arrived yet. Remember: I didn’t send it.

Has been sent have been sent?

#1 is correct, because you are referencing the time before 2006. If you have no reference point (aka present) then you would use has. (“The Department has been sent all the relevant documents of pension.” – that means as of now.)

Has been sent VS have been sent?

Either “The required documents have been sent.” or “The required documents had been sent.”, depending on the context. However, “The required documents has been sent.” is incorrect, seeing “documents” is plural and “has” is a singular conjugation.

Have sent or have been sent?

It is simplest, probably, to just say that ‘been sent’ is the verb, and you should keep those two words together because they are the verb. So you can say ‘already been sent’ or ‘been sent already’ but you should NOT say ‘been already sent’.

How do I correct a sent email?

Open the sent document, click Recipients on the right-hand side; Click the Recipient/email address you want to edit, and click the pen icon > Correct current recipient’s name and/or email, make changes; Click Update recipient, Click Resend to resend the document to this recipient’s “new” email.

Has sent or send?

I have sent you an email vs I have send you an email. When using the helping verb have, the correct form of the past tense of the verb to send is sent. Expert Tip! If the action is complete, it is usually better to use the more direct form, I sent you an email.

Can you please send or sent?

The word “send” is a verb which means “to cause to go or to be taken somewhere” while the word “sent” is a conjugation of the verb “send.” The word “send” is the present perfect tense of the verb while the word “sent” is the past tense and past participle tense of the verb.

Did she send or sent?

The phrasal expression did … send refers to a specific point in the past when the action is presumed to have taken place. An answer might be: He sent her flowers. In this case, sent is used in the past tense, which indicates that the action definitely took place before the present.

Is I have sent correct?

“I sent you.” is in simple past tense. (It is used to denote an action completed in in the past.) “I have sent you” is in present perfect tense. If an event happened before a particular point of time in the past you use past perfect.

Did you receive or received?

Even though it doesn’t specify, “did you receive my email” sets up an opportunity to establish a particular time. If you choose “have you received my email” it indicates that you just want to establish receipt but not as per any specific time .

Did you receive my mail?

You use “Have you received …?” if there is still a chance that they will receive it in the future. Here’s an example: If you sent a snail mail yesterday, you might ask, today, “Have you received my letter [yet]?” But if you sent the letter three months ago, it should have been delivered by now.

What’s the difference between sent and send?

The word ‘send’ is the present tense while the term ‘sent’ is the past tense. One may get confused by their different spellings as the past tense of most of the verbs either have d or ed added to the end part of the main word.

Did not send or sent?

When you negate a sentence by using do or did, you should use the whole verb. Since to send is the whole verb, you should use It didn’t send the messages.

Can you please send me or could you please send me?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

Could you or can you please?

If taken literally, “Can you” is equivalent to asking the person if they’re capable of doing something. “Could you”, on the other hand, implies that the action can be completed under some circumstances by the person. The usage of can you is idiomatic, and hence, is more popular used phrase of the two.

Could you please vs Would you please?

What is the difference between Could you please and Would You please ? Which one is more polite ? Both are commonly used to ask someone to do something, so there is not a big difference between them in the meaning. Would you please may be considered as slightly more polite than Could you please.

Can you please look into this?

Sometimes, when we lack the time, we ask someone else to look into a problematic situation for us. Both of the given sentences — “Can you please look into it?” and “Please look into it” — are ways of asking for someone’s help with the investigation. Both use the word “please,” which makes them somewhat polite.

What should you say when you ask for something?

When you ask someone for something, or you ask them to do something for you, it is essential to be as polite as possible. Here are some ways that you can be polite. A “hello” and a smile go a long way! Say “hello” at the beginning of your request.

How do you formally ask for something?

Fortunately, the structure of a formal email of request is very simple:

  1. You start the email or letter by explaining what you are writing about (the topic/subject) and what the email’s purpose is (i.e. you want to ask them some questions or for something).
  2. Then in the next section, you ask them the questions or requests.

What is an example of a request sentence?

Simple Sentences used for Request : Do you think you could lend me some money? I wonder whether you could give me a car. I am sorry to trouble you but I need your help. I hope you don’t mind if l asked the money.