How do you rule Alistair?

How do you rule Alistair?


  1. In order to become queen wit alistair you have to have 100% approval have to be in a relationship with him and in the landsmeet you have to choose the option “alistair will be king and i will rule beside him” you also have to be a human noble.
  2. You had to do his personal quest.

How do you increase Alistair’s approval?

After the Landsmeet, go talk to the Grey Warden you freed from Howe’s dungeons. He’ll clue you into a gift you can give Alistair that’ll really raise his rating (no spoilers, as requested).

What happens if you harden Alistair?

Alistair. Alistair will become more assertive and self-confident. He will put his sense of duty above his personal feelings, and therefore become more willing to be king.

What happens if Alistair becomes king?

If Alistair is made king, the Warden made queen, Anora will refuse to renounce her claims to the throne, so Alistair orders her to be locked up and only if Alistair dies from the Blight, will she become Queen.

How do I know if Alistair is hardened?

In order to get the cutscene where Alistair is hardened, you need to pick the dialouge “everyone is out for themselves, you should know that by now” and have his approval around 75 or have his 3rd plot skill to ensure he is hardened.

Can a mage Warden marry Alistair?

No, you can’t. When you try to use the Coercion Option “I’ll rule with him” on the Landsmeet, he will tell you that people won’t accept a Circle Mage as Queen, so if you make him King, he will bump you after the Landsmeet. You can only marry him and become Queen-consort if you are a Female Human Noble.

How do you get Alistair to sleep with you?

You can easily talk him up to the point that he would sleep with you the first time you enter the camp. You can even kiss him. However, if you ask to your tent more than once he’ll start disliking you.

How do I stop Alistair from hardening?

The only way to get an ending in which all the recruitable characters survive, including Loghain Mac Tir, is to harden Alistair. If Alistair isn’t hardened, he’ll insist that you kill Loghain on account of his betrayal at Ostagar, as it’s the only honorable thing to do.

Does Alistair know Fiona is his mother?

Alistair doesn’t know that Fiona is his mother. He still believes it is that servant from Redcliffe. That servant was Goldanna’s mother, so Alistair and Goldanna both believe they are half siblings. If I’m not mistaken Goldanna thinks that her mother died giving birth to Alistair.

Where is Alistair’s sister?

Denerim. She lives in a house on the edge of the Denerim Market District in front of the marketplace. When the Warden decides to help Alistair find his sister during the quest Alistair’s Family the house will appear when the Warden next enters the market area.

Who is Alistair’s mother?


Is Alistair half elf?

Despite the Arlessa’s speculation on Alistair’s parentage, he was in fact the illegitimate child of King Maric and the elven mage Fiona.

What happens if you drink from the well of sorrows?

Whoever drank from the Well begins to hear the voices of Mythal’s servants, who reveal that Corypheus’ Red Lyrium Dragon is the key to defeating him; by killing the dragon, it will disrupt Corypheus’ ability to leap into other bodies, rendering him vulnerable.

Where did the Hero of Ferelden go?

If the Hero of Ferelden died killing Urthemiel and is not a dwarf: The Grey Wardens recovered the Warden’s body after the battle, and interred them at Weisshaupt in a magnificent tomb next to Garahel’s.

Can Bethany become a GREY warden?

User Info: hong314. If you take Bethany to the Deeproads, she’ll die. If you bring her and Anders into the Deeproads, she leaves your party to become a Grey Warden. If you leave her at home, she’s forced to join the Circle.