How do you respond to Obrigado?

How do you respond to Obrigado?

When someone says “Obrigado(a)” the reply is usually “de nada” which is an expression that means “you’re welcome”.

What language they speak in Brazil?


What is Brazil’s main religion?


Why is Brazil main language Portuguese?

It is the world’s fifth-largest country, both in geography and in population. The reason Brazilians speak Portuguese is because Brazil was colonized by Portugal, but the history is a bit more complex.

Is Portuguese hard to learn?

Portuguese However, we classify learning Portuguese as more difficult than Spanish for a few reasons. The first is because it is very different from English in both grammar and spelling. Also, most English speakers find it tough to get the hang of Portuguese symbols, like the tilde and multiple different accent marks.

Is Portuguese like Russian?

Portuguese sounds like Russian! If so, you are not alone, as this type of confusion is common for many Russians and speakers of other Slavic languages. As we have seen from the history of the Portuguese language, there aren’t any roots – that historians have recorded – linking the two languages.

What is the difference between Brazilian and Portuguese?

Differences in the Pronunciation Brazilians speak vowels longer and wider, while Portuguese pronounce the words with a more closed mouth, without pronouncing the vowels as much. In Brazilian Portuguese, an S at the end of a word is pronounced as SS; in Portugal, it is pronounced as SH.

How do you greet someone in Portuguese?

Basic Portuguese Greetings

  1. Olá (Hello)
  2. Bom dia (Good morning, lit.
  3. Boa tarde (Good afternoon)
  4. Boa noite (Good evening / Good night)
  5. Bem-vindo (Welcome)
  6. Tudo bem? (How are you, lit.
  7. Até logo / Até amanhã (See you later/tomorrow, lit.
  8. Adeus (Goodbye)

Can I speak Brazilian Portuguese in Portugal?

No, you won’t have any problems communicating if your Brazilian Portuguese level is good; similarly, you’ll probably be able to read most things you see there (changes in vocabulary like “ônibus” vs “autocarro(s)” notwithstanding); there are also many Brazilians and quite a few Brazilian-owned businesses down south, so …

Can a Portuguese person understand Spanish?

Well, Portuguese is not the same as Spanish, but most Portuguese will understand Spanish, whereas not all Spanish people can understand Portuguese. They vary: many Brazillians do understand Spanish and some of those who do …can also speak reasonable Spanish too.

Is Spanish easier than Portuguese?

For most native English speakers, Spanish is slightly easier to learn than Portuguese. This is primarily a matter of access. Another reason Spanish is easier to learn is that pronunciation in Spanish is simpler than in Portuguese. Spanish uses five vowel sounds and has very consistent spelling.

Is French or Portuguese more useful?

If you don’t know english, then French is definitely more useful. It is still spoken all over the world in hotel lobbies and finding a french guide or translator is generally easier than finding a portuguese one. However, by itself, French is more useful than Portuguese, as Portuguese is almost useless in the east.

Do the Portuguese speak English?

Approximately 32% of Portuguese people can speak and understand English, while 24% can speak and understand French. Despite Spanish being mutually intelligible in a sense that most Portuguese understand it written and/or spoken, only 9% of the Portuguese population can speak it fluently.

Should I learn German or Portuguese?

Obviously, if you hope to study or work in a Portuguese-speaking country, learn Portuguese, but if you want experience of a language that functions in a somewhat different way from those you already know, learn German. German – it is much more useful!

Which Portuguese should I learn?

There are many pros to learning both variations of Portuguese as the language continues to grow in both the business and pop culture worlds. However, we recommend you start with Brazilian Portuguese first since many language-learners say its easier to learn than European Portuguese.

Is Portuguese easier than Italian?

Italian is more like their distant cousin. Portuguese is far easier, despite their very different pronunciation and nasalizations not existent in Spanish. Portuguese has very similar and even identical words in Spanish. Portuguese grammar is also conjugated in a similar and familiar way to Spanish grammar.

Which is better Brazilian Portuguese or European Portuguese?

Accents. Brazilian Portuguese is spoken more slowly and with open vowels, while European Portuguese may sound quite rushed and mumbled to an untrained ear. For that reason, many people are inclined to believe the former is easier to master than the latter.

How difficult is Brazilian Portuguese?

Brazilian Portuguese is difficult because of digossia. There is one grammar for the written language, and another one for the spoken language. So, it’s like learning Swiss Spoken German and Swiss Written German. It’s difficult to learn a language with two separate grammars, and it’s tiring too.

Why is Portuguese so difficult?

For Margarida, there are three aspects that make the language particularly difficult: the pronunciation, the grammar and the elision – the tendency to leave out the sound of a letter or the part of a word. But first, a brief note on where the language originated from.

Is Portuguese easy for Spanish speakers?

Once you have a good grip on Spanish, Portuguese is fairly easy. The only difficult obstacle to overcome is the pronunciation, which is completely different. You can do it though! Note that Brazilian Portuguese is harder to learn than the Portuguese in Portugal.

Is Portuguese like Spanish?

Both Portuguese and Spanish have seen a strong presence throughout the world as a result of European colonialism and globalization. This means that the two languages share a lexical similarity of almost 90%, but while a majority of words in each language sounds similar, this does not mean they are both the same.

Are Portuguese people Latino?

The US Department of Transportation defines “Hispanic” as “persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central or South American, or others [of] Spanish or Portuguese culture or origin, regardless of race.” This definition has been adopted by the Small Business Administration as well as by many federal, state.

What is a Portuguese person called?

Casimiro. So people from Portugal are called Portuguese in English language.