How do you respond to Como Eres?

How do you respond to Como Eres?

It means “how are you?” – as a person. Responses could be: Soy introvertido(a)

How do you respond to cual?

¿Qué es…? / ¿Cuál es…? ‘¿Qué es tu nombre’? is a common mistake in Spanish, and the only way to answer this definition is by answering it as a definition, i.e. “My name is the word that I am known by”. If you use ‘¿Qué..:? and the verb ‘ser’, these is how you should answer these questions: What is your name?

What is the difference between Cual and cuales?

The two words, when they have accents, are used as interrogative pronouns in questions to mean “what” or “which.” Qué is the same in the singular and plural forms; the plural of cuál is cuáles.

What does que mean?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

What is the meaning of yo tambien?

me, too

How do you respond to Como Amaneciste?

“Bien, ¿y tú?” are OK. ¿Cómo amaneció? = Polite. Usual response: Bien, ¿y usted?

What’s the difference between yo tambien and a mi tambien?

Both are used to agree with a positive statement that another person said. ‘Yo también’ works with normal and reflexive verbs. You use ‘a mí también’ when you are the indirect object of a positive statement and you agree with it.

What does yo tambien te quiero?

I love you, never forget.

How do you use Tambien?

If there is a way to say something using less words, we will use it! So that is why “también” and “tampoco” are two small but not less important words. We use “también” and “tampoco” as a way of agree or disagree. Most of the students know that también means too and tampoco means neither.

What’s the difference between Yo and me?

Yo is the subject pronoun for “I” and ME can be a reflexive pronoun meaning “myself,” a direct object pronoun meaning “me,” or an indirect pronoun meaning “to me.” Me = myself. (Yo) me lavo = I wash myself.

What are reflexive verbs in Spanish?

Reflexive verbs – Easy Learning Grammar Spanish. A reflexive verb is one where the subject and object are the same, and where the action ‘reflects back’ on the subject. It is used with a reflexive pronoun such as myself, yourself and herself in English, for example,I washed myself.; He shaved himself.

What is the difference between Yo and MI in Spanish?

yo= I- when it is the subject of the verb in the clause. Frequently dropped in Spanish and you sound funny if you overuse it. mi= my- this is not a pronoun, rather a possessive adjective. As bosquederoble answered you do not use yo very much in Spanish because “I” is included in the verb ending for the tense.

What is the difference between llamo and nombre?

1 Answer. Me llamo literally translates to I call myself , whereas Mi nombre es is My name is , but the two mean essentially the same. Both phrases are acceptable.

How do you use te in Spanish?

“Te” can act as either a direct object pronoun or an indirect object pronoun and can be used to convey the idea of “you” in regards to the direct object of a verb or the idea of “to you/for you” when it acts as an indirect object pronoun.

How do you use se in Spanish?

The most common use of se is a reflexive pronoun. Such pronouns indicate that the subject of a verb is also its object. In English, this is usually accomplished by using verbs such as “himself” or “themselves.” ​Se is used as the reflexive pronoun for third-person uses (including when usted or ustedes is the subject).

What is the difference between SE and Sé?

“Se” can mean many things and here’s a lesson on that topic. For example, “Se vende coches aquí” (They sell cars here). “Sé” (with the accent) means “I know.” For example, “Sé tu nombre.” (I know your name).

Why do you add se in Spanish?

In Spanish, two types of verbs are categorised as pronominal: reflexive verbs and reciprocal verbs. Often the term reflexive gets used to talk about both types of verbs. In these verbs, the pronoun se is used to indicate that the object and the subject of the sentence are the same.

How do you say what is your name formally in Spanish?

the equivalent for “name” in spanish is “nombre”. so, in a literal way we can ask other ‘s name by just asking ” ¿Qué es tu nombre? = what is your name?”.