How do you reply to Aye Aye Captain?
How do you reply to Aye Aye Captain?
aye aye , aye aye Captain, or aye aye Sir – This is a response that a soldier or sailor may give to indicate that an order has been received, is understood, and will be carried out immediately. Saying “aye aye” is similar to saying “yes.” For example: “Sailor go get the maps.” “Aye aye Captain.”2014. ápr. 22.
Are Aye Aye dangerous?
Superstitions. Many people native to Madagascar consider the aye-aye an omen of ill luck. For this reason they often have been killed on sight. Such hunting, coupled with habitat destruction, have put aye-aye populations at-risk.
Can Aye Aye kill you?
Although the aye-aye weighs a mere 4 pounds in the wild, this tiny animal is viewed as the harbinger of death by locals in Madagascar, the only place on Earth where you’ll find these creatures in nature. However, because of the way the aye-aye is perceived, this perfectly harmless creature is often killed on sight
How many aye ayes are left?
10,000 Aye Ayes
What are AYE AYE babies called?
Well, if you travel to Madagascar you just might see one of these. He is an aye aye (pronounced eye eye), and he is only found on a small island off of Africa’s southeastern coast. Aye aye come from the lemur family, and baby aye ayes are known as “infants”, just like you!
Why do people kill aye-ayes?
Aye-ayes are commonly thought to be bad omens by some of the Malagasy people, although other legends consider them a good omen. When spotted, they are killed on sight and hung up so that the evil spirit will be carried away by travelers.
What animal has 2 tongues?
How long do Aye Aye live?
23 years
How many fingers do AYE AYE have?
6 fingers
Is there an animal called an aye aye?
The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is a lemur native to the island of Madagascar and the world’s biggest nocturnal primate. They are solitary creatures and spend their days asleep in the branches and searching for food at night
Can you have an Aye Aye as a pet?
The Aye Aye is a member of the Lemur family. It is a nocturnal primate, native to Madagascar. Its long, thin middle finger is used to tap on trees to locate grubs. Chances are, because of their limited number, the Aye Aye is not legal to own as a pet
How do aye ayes avoid being eaten?
They use their senses to help them to survive. They are able to find food and to avoid danger due to their sight and their smelling abilities. The scary look of them though has been a problem for them since the beginning of time. In many cultures the people consider the aye-aye an omen of ill luck.
What does the aye-aye eat?
Why are AYE-AYE important?
Aye-ayes may help to disperse fruiting tree seeds through their frugivory. They are also important predators of wood-boring beetle larvae.
Are aye ayes carnivores?
Why do aye ayes have big eyes?
Adaptations for nocturnal life include dark fur that helps camouflage them in the dense forest and large ears that help them listen for the movement of grubs and larvae. They also have large eyes with a tapetum lucidum – a reflective layer on the back of the eye that improves night vision.
How many babies do aye ayes have?
one baby
What zoos have aye-ayes?
Very few facilities around the world have aye-ayes under human care. In North America, they are only found at the Duke Lemur Center (Durham, NC), Cincinnati Zoo, Cleveland Zoo, Denver Zoo, San Diego Zoo, Omaha Zoo and Philadelphia Zoo.
How much do aye-ayes weigh?
2.3 kgAdult
Are aye-ayes omnivores?
Aye-ayes are omnivores and eat nuts, nectar from Traveler’s palm and insects.
What does Aye Aye Captain mean?
(idiomatic, nautical) The correct and seamanlike reply, onboard a Royal Navy (or US Navy) ship, on receipt of an order from someone of senior rank or authority. It means “I understand the command and hasten to comply with the order.”
How do aye ayes get their food?
They tap on trees with their long middle finger and listen for wood-boring insect larvae moving under the bark. They then employ the same middle finger to fish them out. This method of finding food is called percussive foraging and is also used by woodpeckers
Do aye ayes have musk glands?
The aye-aye marks its territory with the scent glands on its cheeks and neck. The scent repels intruders from their territory….The aye-aye is the world’s largest nocturnal primate.
Tree tops of tropical forests trees. | Tropical forest that covers the east of Madagascar. |
Why do lemurs have stink fights?
These glands secrete a fatty substance used to mark territory along their foraging routes. During mating season, males rub secretions from the scent glands all over their tails and then wave their tails in the air. These “stink fights” establish rights to breed with females.
What fruits do aye ayes eat?
- Seeds. Canarium spp – seeds. Terminalia catappa – seeds.
- Nectar and flowers. Traveler’s tree (Ravenala madagascariensis) – nectar and flowers. Banana flower (Musa sp.) –
- Fruits. Ficus tree (Ficus spp.) – fruit.
- Bark and cankers. Intsia bijuga – cankers.
- Cultivated crops. Coconut (flesh and milk), banana, mango, and litchi/lychee.