How do you play the game Pocky?

How do you play the game Pocky?

To play the pocky game, pair up with someone you wouldn't mind kissing, and sit so your faces are 1 foot apart. Then, you should each bit one end of a pocky stick and start eating your way to the middle without dropping the stick. The first person to pull away loses.

What do you do on Pocky Day?

November 11th Is "National Pocky Day" In Japan. In Japan, "Pocky Day" on November 11th has become a hugely popular unofficial national day of celebration for the famous Japanese chocolate sticks made by the food company Glico headquartered in Osaka.

When was the Pocky game invented?

1966Pocky made its debut in 1966, an era when the only chocolate available in Japan came in the form of clunky bars, imported from either the U.S. or Europe. Manufactured by Ezaki Glico, the original Pocky recipe was a straightforward combo of thin, sticklike biscuits covered from top to bottom in smooth chocolate.

What is the Pepero challenge?

14 Korean Celebs Playing the Pepero Kiss Game. … Each player puts one end of the Pepero stick into their mouth and bite away. Their lips inch closer and closer. The goal is to leave as little of the stick as possible while barely planting a kiss on one another.