How do you Ping 100 times?

How do you Ping 100 times?

To run a ping, open the command prompt by pressing "Windows-R" and entering "cmd." At the prompt, type "ping" without quotes, enter a domain name, such as "" and press "Enter." The tool sends several pings and displays how long each takes to return. If the ping fails, try using an IP address, such as "64.233.

Why is my ping so high?

Far from Router – The one of the main reason for high ping in gaming is that the gamer plays the game far from the router. Due to this the network speed of mobile gets low and the ping or latency of game increases. So, to reduce the ping or latency of your gaming you should have to play the game near the router.

What is a good ping speed?

A ping time of 20 milliseconds or less is great while 20-100 milliseconds will give you a good gaming experience. Ping time can improve based on your download and upload speeds. However, factors such as your local area connection and internet latency affect your ping time more than internet speeds.

What does a ping test tell you?

A ping test is a method of checking if the computer is connected to a network. It also determines the latency or delay between two computers. It is used to ensure that a host computer which your computer tries to access is operating. A ping test is run for troubleshooting to know connectivity as well as response time.

Why is ping request timed out?

Request timed out means that the host you're pinging might be: down or unreachable (e.g. because it's on a different network/subnet, it's shut down, etc.) behind a firewall that drops your ICMP echo request packets. You have no Internet connection/network connectivity.

What is the 8.8 8.8 DNS server?

8.8. 8.8 is the primary DNS server for Google DNS. Google DNS is a public DNS service that has been launched by Google that has been set up to make the Internet and the DNS system faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for all internet users.

How can I test my LAN speed?

Tap on the gear icon to the right of the wireless network you're connected to, and then tap on Advanced toward the bottom of the next screen. Scroll down a bit, and you'll see your device's IPv4 address.