How do you make UN Reloj plural?

How do you make UN Reloj plural?

To make plural nouns that end in consonants, add -es.

  1. el reloj > los relojes – the clock > the clocks.
  2. la universidad > las universidades – the university > the universities.

What is the plural of clase?

Meanings of “plural of clase” in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Category Spanish
1 Common clases [f/pl]

Is the word I plural?

What Are the Plural Pronouns? The plural personal pronouns are “we,” “you,” and “they.” They contrast with the singular personal pronouns, which are “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” and “it.” (NB: The personal pronoun “you” can be both singular or plural. That’s because you can say “you” to mean one person or several.)

What is the plural of cuaderno?

Common. 1. Common. plural of cuaderno. cuadernos [m/pl]

What is the plural of Computadora?

computadora f (plural computadores)

What is the plural of un dia?

Common. plural of día. días [m/pl] ×

Is Dia masculine or feminine?

“Día” is a masculine noun, and therefore, we use “El día.” No, it’s not a verb at all, it’s a noun. There are general rules for assigning gender to nouns, but there are also many exceptions to the rules.

How do you write plural in Spanish?

Spanish Plural Noun Forms

  1. Just Add -s. Rule: If a singular noun ends in an unstressed vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or the stressed vowels á, é or ó, add -s to the end of a singular noun to make it plural. Here are some examples.
  2. Add -s or -es. Rule: If a singular noun ends in í or ú, you can add -s or -es to pluralize the word.

What is the plural of La Silla?

“The” Definite Articles of Spanish: When Any Old One Won’t Do

English Singular Plural
the phone / the phones el teléfono (m) los teléfonos
the chair / the chairs la silla (f) las sillas

What is the plural form of El animal?

el the
animal animal uncouth
plural plural pluralistic

What is the difference between Pero and Perro?

It is exactly the same, except that “perro” has the distinction of using the Spanish R-roll , whereas “pero” is pronounced with a softer R sound. “Perro” means dog, while “pero” means but.

What is the meaning of Pero?

però conjunction. but [conjunction] used to show a contrast between two or more things. yet [conjunction] but; however. (Translation of pero from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd).

How do you pronounce perro?


  1. SpanishDict Phonetic Alphabet (SPA) peh. – rroh.
  2. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) pe. – ro.
  3. Spanish Alphabet (ABC) pe. – rro.

What does Elgato mean?

It was created in response to gamers that were hacking EyeTV products for gameplay recording. The device connects between a gaming console and the TV and is powered by a USB connection. It captures video as the console sends it to the television, compresses and stores it.

Why Elgato is used?

The Elgato software allows you to stream + record straight from the software. If you use other streaming/recording programs the Elgato video signal can easily be picked up by these programs.