How do you make someone fear you?

How do you make someone fear you?

Do little acts of rudeness regularly but not so noticable. Make it seem like an accident but dont apologise. That will show your fear. Things such as nudging whilst walking or interupt a conversation theyre having with some one else then start your own.

How do I become more private?

Toxic people can change, but it's highly unlikely. What is certain is that nothing anyone else does can change them. It is likely there will be broken people, broken hearts and broken relationships around them – but the carnage will always be explained away as someone else's fault.

What to do if a boy is being mean to you?

So, if a guy is mean to you, disrespects you, or purposely hurts you, he does not like you. He likes that he can get one over on you, and know that you'd still be by his side. If this is someone that you really care about, talk to him. Make him see that this is behavior that you won't tolerate anymore.

How do you be kind to someone mean?

Maintain eye contact and nod to convey that you're taking in their words. Say things like, “I understand what you're saying.” This does NOT mean that you agree with it, but that you are taking in everything. Do not interrupt. Do not speak over them.