How do you make shadow art?

How do you make shadow art?

Shadows are made by blocking light. Light rays travel from a source in straight lines. If an opaque (solid) object gets in the way, it stops light rays from traveling through it. This results in an area of darkness appearing behind the object.

How do you make shadow Theatre?

Shadow puppets are figures that are placed between a light and a screen. Moving them creates the illusion of moving images on the screen. An experienced puppeteer can make figures appear to walk, talk, fight and dance. Shadow puppetry is a popular form of entertainment in countries all over the world.

How do you start a shadow job?

Start by accepting your own humanness. Remember that we all have a shadow—everyone is in the soup together, as Jung used to say. I find it helpful to connect to my heart: place your attention on your heart. Breathe in and acknowledge your heart.

How do you shadow a dog with one hand?

To make a dog, extend your little and ring fingers on one hand while keeping the others in a fist. Raise your thumb slightly to make the dog's ear. You can make it talk by opening and closing your 2 fingers.