How do you make a paper plate snake?

How do you make a paper plate snake?

First cut it in half. Cut one half in half again (to make 2 quarters) and then cut one of the quarters in half again (to make 2 eighths). Step 2: Cut the rim of the plate off the quarter plate piece. Step 3: Cut little triangles off the plate rim piece to make the tail and draw a dragon head on the remaining piece.

How do you make a bunny out of paper plates?

Simply cut out a heart shape for the face and some bunny ears using contrasting coloured paper. Assemble the paper together to make a 'bunny face' and add some craft straw for whiskers. Complete the bunny with a pair of eyes and mouth, and affix to a drinking straw. Add the bunny to the paper plate and start playing!

How do you make a paper plate turkey?

Simply cut the paper plate in half and then cut out a small semi-circle from centre of the paper plate. Follow the curve of the paper plate and add (as individual colours or mix them up) red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple paint to form a rainbow.

How do you decorate paper plates?

For many years on the last day of school, I would give each of my students (usually freshmen) a paper-plate award, something that showed them that I recognized their contributions to class, achievements, and/or special talents.