How do you keep clams alive at home?

How do you keep clams alive at home?

Store live clams in a cold (32 to 35 degree Fahrenheit) refrigerator in an open container, covered with a moist cloth or paper towels. Kept in this manner, live clams should remain fresh for two to three days. Do not put live clams in an airtight container or submerge them in fresh water; either will kill them.

How do you know if a freshwater clam is alive?

If the clam is shut tight, its alive. Its dead when it just hangs open. When shopping for clams for a clambake, I've heard that you should only choose those that keep their shell tightly closed. If the shell is open or if you can easily open it, then the clam is dead and should not be eaten.

How are clams alive?

Q. Are clams and oysters still alive when we eat them raw on the half shell? The clam spends his days buried in sand or mud, snuggled between his shells, sucking in water through one of his two tubes (siphons), filtering out the yummies (plankton and algae) and spurting the waste water out through the other tube.