How do you get to Besaid temple after airship?

How do you get to Besaid temple after airship?

You need to go view the events in Bevelle first. Speak with Kimahri and Yuna up near the deck on the Airship, and they’ll say you need to go speak with Mika. A new location will open up (Highbridge) in the Airship destination menu. Go see the events there, and then you’ll have access to the Temples again.

How do you get to the Omega ruins in FFX?

You can find the Omega Ruins by unlocking them from the airship (along with a number of other locations). Check out the Airship Passwords and Hidden Coordinates section for a list of all of the secret locations.

How do I get Level 3 key spheres?

For Level 3 Key Spheres the earliest possible location to farm them is in Zanarkand Ruins off of Defender Z. The Uncommon drop from this mob is a Level 2 Key Sphere; the rare drop from him is a Level 3 Key Sphere.

Can you Zanmato dark aeons?

Zanmato works on Dark Aeons (instant kill). There is no way you can be sure to get it. Save before a fight and keep reseting and giving him almost all your money.

How do I beat Shinryu FFX?

Shinryu Boss Battle Guide Make the other two characters escape the battle to stop Shinryu from using Eraser. With the Celestial weapons, the loner Overdrive is enough to fill your Overdrive Gauge in 3 turns. Use your multi hit overdrive at shinryu then guard until your Overdrive refills. Repeat until Shinryu is down.

How do you unlock penance FFX?

How to Unlock Penance. Penance is automatically unlocked after defeating all the Dark Aeons. He can be fought by selecting Penance on the Airship destinations.

Can Zanmato kill penance?

Yes, unfortunatley Zanmato can kill Penance.

How do you unlock Dark anima?

Dark Anima is an optional boss in the International, PAL, and HD Remaster versions of Final Fantasy X. Available after viewing the campfire scene at Zanarkand Ruins, and then completing Wakka’s ball trial on Mt. Gagazet once more, Dark Anima will appear at the entrance to the mountain.

What do you get for beating the dark aeons?
