How do you get the unicorn in Zoo Tycoon?

How do you get the unicorn in Zoo Tycoon?

It is present in the original Zoo Tycoon; to unlock it, an exhibit must be named "Xanadu". If the "Xanadu" exhibit name is changed, they disapear from the animals menu, but existing ones continue to live. They also disappear if the named Xanadu is broken. Their foals resemble zebras with an orange mane and tail.

How do you get animals to level 15 in Zoo Tycoon?

Once an animal is Level 15, go into Edit Exhibit>Animals>View Animals. Use the bumpers to highlight the Level 15 animal and then to select it.

What animals can live together in Zoo Tycoon?

There are 130 animals in Zoo Tycoon 2, however for any zt gamers out there, were there any animals that just made you go what?

How do I get Zoo Tycoon 2?

Star animals can not be obtained directly in a playthrough, instead they must be obtained from animals released in other playthroughs. There are 20 Zoo Collections in total.