How do you get the HUWS sword?

How do you get the HUWS sword?

Answers. Yes. You will have to increase your 3 strength skills in order to lift it. The game records your levels when you first try, and then after increasing your physique by 5, health by 3, and toughness by 2 (or something close to that) you can pull it out.

What is the strongest weapon in Fable anniversary?

Skorm’s Bow – The most powerful ranged weapon in “Fable,” this longbow was rumored to have belonged to the god Skorm. It even looks powerful, feating a blood red plate that encompasses the wielder’s hand.

How do you get the sword from Lady GREY?

Eventually she will give him the Solus Greatsword (with no augments) as a gift. However, receiving an unaugmented version from Lady Grey seems to be exclusive to the Xbox version. An easy way to afford this weapon is to keep escorting traders to Orchard Farm earning money each time.

How much do you have to donate to the Temple of Avo?

Donate gold at the Temple of Avo during the day and sacrifice people at the Chapel of Skorm at night. On average you will need 50,000 gold to complete the Temple of Avo. You don’t have to do both temples together, but doing it this way will ensure you get rewards from both.

Can you die of old age in fable?

Top Voted Answer. The answer is “NO”, you cannot die of old age. The maximum age in this game is 65. The minimum age (after graduation) is 18.

Does age matter in fable?

Fable II. In Fable II, ageing doesn’t really seem to affect the Hero much. The major ageing difference is from childhood to adulthood. The next chance to age is by holding onto the Dark Seal, but you will change back to normal when you’re done with the main quest.

Why does my character look old in Fable anniversary?

it’s actually tied to the number of level ups you’ve purchased. the more skills you buy, the older you look. you age faster when you do Will because there are a TON more skills to buy than in the other trees.

How do I lower my age in Fable anniversary?

Sacrificing people to the Chapel of Skorm or donating gold to the Temple of Avo are the only ways to reduce your age.

How do I become younger in fable?

You can get younger from both places. The easiest way, though, is to be totally evil and then donate money to the temple of Avo and then become totoally good and sacrifice people to the chapel of Skorm.

How do you collect rent in Fable anniversary?

Rent can be collected by picking up the sacks of gold left outside each house by the sign at the front door. Rent accumulates at a rate of 1/3 per day for a maximum of 3 days (i. e. 1 day = 1/3 rent, 2 days = 2/3 rent, 3 days = full rent).

Can you hero save in Fable anniversary?

The original game had a ‘World Save’ when you were not on a quest and very confusing ‘Hero Save’ for when you were on a quest. We changed all of this so you now have checkpoint saves when you are on a quest to automatically save your progress and you can create a manual save at any point in the game.

How do you donate to the Temple of Light in Fable 2?

Simply go to the Temple of Light in Oakfield and you can make donations (via the non-glowing coffer just right of the central statue). You get morality and purity points for the cash you donate, though you have to donate at least 50 gold coins in order to earn anything.

What is the Holy Hour in Fable 2?

In order to achieve such an esteemed title (albeit one that is not available from a Town Crier), you’ll have to donate 10,000 gold or more “at the holy hour” between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. The time is shown on the pause screen in the top right corner; you need this clock to reach 12:00 pm.

Can you wait in Fable 2?

No, you can’t wait like you could in Oblivion or Fallout. The best way to advance time is to find a bed and sleep for however long you need to.

How many demon doors are in Fable 2?


How do you learn to kiss in Fable 2?

You can use the blow kiss expression at the door to get it to open. Or propose to someone in front of the door. Either method should work.

How do you become pure in Fable 2?

Purity and Corruption Things like drinking, paying for sex, having multiple spouses, and charging too much rent all make you corrupt, whereas eating vegetables, having a happy family, doing jobs in town and lowering rent will make you pure.

Where is the Wraithmarsh demon door?

Terry Cotter’s Army: There is a Demon Door found across the stone bridge (near the area where you first visit Wraithmarsh). To get inside, you need 10 followers to watch the Demon Door’s play. Inside, you will find a house. Move through the front door and out through the back to find Terry Cotter’s Army.

Where is the Westcliff demon door?

The Vault is a realm of Albion that is accessible through the Westcliff Demon Door. It is located before the marsh area, heading towards the Howling Halls.

Where can I find a farmer’s hat in Fable 2?

The Yokel Hat is a hat in Fable II. It can be purchased from the clothing merchant in Oakfield who is located just outside the front of the Sandgoose Inn to the left.

Where can I buy a corset in Fable 2?

The Corset is an upper body clothing item available in Fable II. This item can be purchased from most clothing shops and traders throughout Albion.

What is behind the Demon Doors in Fable 3?

Behind this door, you find happy and dancing skeletons and upstairs will be the chest that you are looking for containing 25 guild sets and 3 summon creature potions. This demon door is for Kings/Queens. Come here as King/Queen to open the door and access the treasures behind it.

How do you open the Demon Door in Fairfax?

The Fairfax Gardens Demon Door is both the easiest and hardest door to unlock in Fable 2. To unlock it, the player simply needs to open every other Demon Door in the game. This door can be found just under the entrance to the castle proper. Inside lies 50,000 gold and Marcus’s Poem.

How do you become a demon in Fable 2?

User Info: ProphecyZ. At the end of the game you get to kill your child and eat it, do that and you become the demon.

How do I learn the middle finger in Fable 2?


  1. You have to learn it from a book called “The Finger”, which you can buy from the Bowerstone bookstore.
  2. You have to go to the bowerstone bookstore and buy the book that is called the finger or something like that.

How do I lose weight in Fable 2?

Slim and Fat A fat character is usually considered unattractive to villagers. Eating celery can help a character to lose weight in Fable II, or eating almost any fruit/vegetable or drinking non-alcoholic drinks will have this effect in Fable III.

Can you get rid of scars in Fable 2?

Without Knothole Island, you can eventually get rid of your scars by buying Castle Fairfax and sleeping there. But you can only do that after completing the story. Buying and sleeping at Brightwood Tower might also work.

How do I lose weight Fable 3?

losing weight is easy, go to bowerstone market where th pie shops are, just up from there is a vendor selling apples and celery, eat all the apples and all the celery, sleep in a nearby house for a couple of days and then go and eat all the apples and celery again, repeat until skinny.