How do you get the holocron on Imperial Raxus prime?

How do you get the holocron on Imperial Raxus prime?

Holocrons 1 and 2: Are both near where you land initially. For the first cube, hop from your starting spot to a ledge of junk on the right. You should have the height needed to hop over the scrap valley below to another ledge that leads to the holocron.

How do you destroy the Imperial Tower in beam tractor?

Head up the lift, explore for holocrons, then head into the main facility. To get the bonus objective of destroying the tractor beam tower simply electrocute the five red panels on the center tower in the room. To get out, yank out the two generators past the laser fields.

What are the cheat codes for Star Wars The Force Unleashed?


  • OSSUS – All databank entries unlocked.
  • KATARN – All Force Powers Unlocked and Maxed.
  • ADEGAN – All saber throw ranks unlocked.
  • JOCASTA – All Talents Unlocked.
  • LIGHTSABER – Amplified Damage.
  • RAGNOS – Combo Unlock.
  • MINDTRICK – Makes levels mirrored.
  • EXARKUN – Maximum Force Push.

How do you block in the force unleashed?

Press and hold [Block]. Blocking can reflect blaster fire and helps deflect Lightsaber attacks. As you grow stronger in the Force, you can activate advanced Force powers by holding [Block] and pressing [Lightsaber Attack], [Force Lightning], or [Force Push].

How do you beat kazdan?

re: How do you defeat Kazdan Paratus?

  1. Use Force Lightning on him every chance you get.
  2. While he is stunned, pick him up with Force Grip, press Y to turn him into a Lightning Grenade and throw him off the side.
  3. Jump around him while your Force bar recharges.

How do you activate Force Fury on Xbox 360?

Force Fury is the Meter in the bottom left of your screen (you unlock it at the end of Level 1). You fill up the meter by getting kills. Click in and at the same time to activate Force Fury.

How do you throw a lightsaber in Force Unleashed PC?

Force grip someone and hit X. You might be able to throw it without force gripping in the full game, though…