How do you get evolution stones in Pokemon Crystal?

How do you get evolution stones in Pokemon Crystal?

In Crystal, there are three ways to get the evolution stones: 1. Get the phone number of certain trainers. 3….

  1. Mother may buy one for you.
  2. Look in Tohjo Falls.
  3. Every Monday Night at Mt Moon, you can watch a Clefairy Dance, Smash the smashable rock to find a Moon Stone.

Is jolteon better than Luxray?

Jolteon has higher base speed and special attack making it a great sweeper. Luxray has more natural bulk and its movepool only has a couple of good moves that can abuse that higher Attack stat.

Is Luxray good in diamond?

No, Luxray blows even in-game. His movepool is terrible, lacking powerful moves to support that massive attack, not to mention his laughable speed. Get a Mismagius and teach it Thunderbolt; the results are much better than anything Luxray can produce.

What is the best non legendary electric type Pokemon?

Re: Top 10 non-legendary Electric Type pokemons

  • Electivire.
  • Ampharos.
  • Rotom.
  • Jolteon.
  • Raichu.
  • Luxray.
  • Lanturn.
  • Magnezone.

Who is better Yamper or Electrike?

Also strong jaw also boosts his bite attacks. Yamper is slow AF compared to Electrike, so Electrike might be the better choice early on and you could later switch to Boltund.

Is Zeraora a legendary?

Zeraora is actually a Mythical Pokémon. The difference is that Legendary Pokémon are obtainable through normal gameplay whereas Mythical Pokémon are (usually) only obtainable through events.

Is Luxray better than raichu?

Luxray is better than both because it’s actually fairly well balanced in its options. Raichu is better than Pikachu, but you can’t evolve Raichu until it hits like L40+.

Is Shinx better than Pikachu?

Shinx isn’t better than Pikachu until it evolves into Luxray. It’s hard to choose between the two but if I had to pick I’d probably say Luxray. Raichu isn’t so…

What is the best Moveset for Luxray?


Which is the best electric type Pokemon?

10 best Electric-type Pokemon of all time: Zekrom, Ampharos & more

  1. Zekrom. The Pokemon Company Zekrom may well be the most powerful Electric Pokemon in the series.
  2. Ampharos. The Pokemon Company Ampharos packs a mean Electric punch throughout the generations.
  3. Zeraora.
  4. Regieleki.
  5. Thundurus.
  6. Raikou.
  7. Zapdos.
  8. Manectric.

Who is the strongest fire type Pokemon?


Who is the strongest dragon type Pokemon?

Most powerful Dragon type Pokémon

  • Zekrom. Dragon / Electric. #644. Max HP. 183HP.
  • Reshiram. Dragon / Fire. #643. Max HP. 183HP.
  • Dialga. Steel / Dragon. #483. Max HP. 183HP.
  • Palkia. Water / Dragon. #484. Max HP. 166HP.
  • Rayquaza. Dragon / Flying. #384. Max HP. 191HP.
  • Kyurem. Dragon / Ice. #646. Max HP. 225HP.
  • Giratina. Ghost / Dragon. #487. Max HP.
  • Garchomp. Dragon / Ground. #445. Max HP.

Who is stronger raichu or jolteon?

Jolteon is much better than Raichu because Jolteon can learn way more moves than Raichu. Raichu only has Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Thunder Shock, and Tail Whip for a moveset. Raichu can learn more moves only thru TM’s. Jolteon is faster and quicker than Raichu.

Which is the strongest Eeveelution?


Is Electivire better than jolteon?

Electivire is a good choice. If you compare Electivire and Jolteon, Electivire wins with the greater stats and more moveset than Jolteon. But Electivire is harder to get, but it’s worth it if you trade Electabuzz with Electirizer with your friend or if you have another 3ds console.

What level should I evolve Eevee into jolteon?

With most stone evolution Pokemon, I’d recommend waiting until they are at least level 30 before evolving them. Eevee is a special case and I would recommend using that Thunder Stone as soon as you can so that Jolteon does not miss out on learning it’s early moves.

What is the best CP to evolve Eevee?

The best Eevee available in the wild will be between 642 CP and 830 CP. Once that Eevee is captured, it can be leveled up with Stardust up to level 40, where its max CP will be between 749 and 969. Again, don’t DO that – see Section 2. But that’s the range you’re dealing with.

What level is best to evolve Eevee?

Level up Eevee until it’s at least level 15 and then use a Leaf Stone. Level up Eevee until it’s at least level 15 and then use an Ice Stone. Raise Eevee’s friendship level by playing with it and feeding it. The next time Eevee levels up during the day it’ll evolve.

What Stone turns Eevee into umbreon?

Form Method
Jolteon Use a Thunder Stone
Espeon Level up with Max Happiness during the day
Umbreon Level up with Max Happiness during the night
Leafeon Use a Leaf Stone

How do you get Eevee to max happiness?

You’ll need to raise Eevee’s Friendship to 220 or above, so this will help speed up the process. You can get the Soothe Bell from the Pokémon Fan Club. Keep Eevee in your party as you walk around. Eevee will gain 1 Friendship point (3 with the Soothe Bell) every 256 steps that you take.

Why did my Eevee not evolve into umbreon?

1 Answer. No, an Eevee will only evolve into an Umbreon or Espeon if it has been walked as a buddy for at least 10km and is your buddy at the time you evolve it. If this criteria has been met, Espeon/Umbreon will be the Pokémon your Eevee evolves into.

How do I get Eevee in Crystal?

After meeting Bill in Ecruteak City, head back to Goldenrod City and find his house. Along with getting a phone number for the PC from his sister, you can pick up an Eevee of his for free. The Eevee comes at Level 20 and is Normal-type so it’ll be useful against the Ecruteak Gym when it learns Bite or Mud-Slap.