How do you get Curaga in Kingdom Hearts 1?

How do you get Curaga in Kingdom Hearts 1?

According to IGN, you can get Curaga by talking to Final Fantasy VII’s Aerith in the Hollow Bastion library, a portion of one of the game’s ending dungeons.

What does Aero spell do in Kingdom Hearts?

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, the Aero spell conjures green storms of wind of varying sizes around the caster, which lifts up any enemies and damages them. The radius and power of the storm increases with the level of the spell.

Why does Sephiroth only have 1 Wing?

Sephiroth was a fetus imbued with Jenova cells, and that strengthened him beyond other humans. The wings in Sephiroth’s final form, “Safer Sephiroth” are a result of his fusion with Jenova, hence why he has the one black wing.

Why was Zack killed in Crisis Core?

Top Voted Answer. Shinra wanted to kill Zack because it’s all part of their company policy to cover up all forms of wrong-doing associated to them. Rather than coming out and admit that they messed up here and there, they simply erase all evidence of anything that can make the company look bad.

Did Cloud sleep with TIFA?

Following a fade, Cloud and Tifa would exit the ship’s Chocobo stable, Tifa checking around to see if anyone had seen them – the obvious implication being that the two spent their last night together. This idea was rejected for being too “extreme”. Eventually, Tifa fell asleep on Clouds shoulder until dawn.

Who is stronger Cloud or Zack?

Both Zack and Cloud are very powerful fighters. A battle between them would be a very close match. However, purely because Cloud gets more time to develop his skills, while Zack dies earlier, Cloud ends up being a little stronger than Zack.

Why is Cloud Strife so strong?

When Zack died, Cloud (with the Jenova cells, motivated by the Reunion) had to find a way to survive and recover. The cells made his subconscious made a persona mixed with his, his vision of Zack and his vision of what it means to be a SOLDIER. That’s how Cloud is so strong.

What’s wrong with Cloud Strife?

The truth revealed at last Thanks to a severe case of Mako poisoning and his second mental break, Cloud was catatonic when he emerged from the Lifestream. Tifa stayed by his side to nurse him back to health, while the rest of the team focused on stopping Shinra, Sephiroth, and Meteor. The Planet had other designs.

Does cloud know about Zack and Aerith?

Aerith fell in love with Zack’s fine spirit, a spirit that Cloud inherited the day he died. It is a bit of cruel irony that Cloud meets Zack’s former lover in this way. But Aerith never knew Cloud… she knew Zack. She loved Zack, that’s what drew her to him.

Is TIFA in love with Cloud?

Not officially. Tifa and Cloud have a very long and complicated history together . They were childhood friends but were not super close as kids. Tifa knew Cloud back when Sephiroth was still Cloud’s hero.

How old was Zack Fair when he died?