How do you get Curaga?

How do you get Curaga?

According to IGN, you can get Curaga by talking to Final Fantasy VII’s Aerith in the Hollow Bastion library, a portion of one of the game’s ending dungeons.

How do you get Aeroga in Kingdom Hearts?

  1. Ventus can find Aeroga in a chest at the Mermaid Lagoon.
  2. Aqua can find Aeroga in a chest at the Twister Trench.
  3. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can find Aeroga as a rare bonus on the normal Secret Board.
  4. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua can obtain Aeroga as an enemy drop.

How do you get Thundaga in Kingdom Hearts 2?

Kingdom Hearts II Thundara: Upgraded after the defeat of Storm Rider (Land of Dragons). Thundaga: Upgraded after the defeat of Groundshaker (Pride Lands).

Is Magic good in KH2?

KH2 is a game that has a huge variety of different play styles, one of the reasons it’s the best KH game. Using magic is certainly very viable, especially when combined with Wisdom, Master, or Final Form. Master Form using Magnet and Fire/Thunder will just utterly destroy a room full of enemies, for example.

How do you get the yellow Trinity in Kingdom Hearts?

To get the yellow Trinity you need to beat the Hercules Cup….

How do you cure in Kingdom Hearts?


  1. Kingdom Hearts. Cure: Granted after defeating Clayton and the Stealth Sneak. Power equals (Max MPx3)+9.
  2. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Cure: In Sora’s original deck. Cura: Stock 2 Cure cards.
  3. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Cure: Granted after completing Mission 21 in Agrabah.

Where is the Yellow Trinity in Neverland?

Traverse Town

Is Aerith in Kingdom Hearts?

Aerith is a supporting character who lived in Traverse Town during Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts II.

How do you get the Blizzard spell in Kingdom Hearts?

Learning Blizzard

  1. After speaking with the Cheshire Cat after finding the Claw Marks or defeating the Trickmaster.
  2. After defeating Jafar.
  3. After defeating the Behemoth[KH I]/Destroyed Behemoth[KH I FM] in the Hades Cup.

Where is Aerith in Hollow Bastion?

Defeating the Behemoth will give you the Omega Arts accessory. After the battle, go back to the Library and head to the bottom floor to find Aerith….

How do you beat Ursula in Kingdom Hearts?

Her only weak point is the head, so it is best to use physical attacks on it. Try and get behind her head, and start bashing away at her. This can be done best by swimming over her head, and then come down. Occasionally Ursula will push Sora away from her head, so get as close to her as you can.

How do you get a Stopra?

User Info: shadowfreak1101. No, you just have to complete Monstro; you got regular Stop from Pooh’s Swing; you’ll get Stopra from defeating the Parasite Cage inside the whale….

How long does Stopra last?

Stopra is a Basic magic command that takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 3, a reload time of 10 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 8%. The duration of the Stop effect is six seconds….

How do you get Stopga in Kingdom Hearts 1?

You have to complete the Pooh’s Swing minigame in 100 Hundred Arce Wood to get the Stopga spell….

How do you stop chain of memories?

Just go back to the teleporter, go to Wonderland and use a Bounty card in there. Then you have Stop….

How do you get the stop in Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories?

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Stop: A Magic Card can be obtained in the first treasure chest in Wonderland.

How do I get to the clock tower in Kingdom Hearts Neverland?

You have to go to the Cabin with Peter Pan in your party. You can then talk to (and understand) Tinker Bell. Just be sure to go in prepared, okay? It doesn’t exactly give the location back to you so much as make you earn it….

How do you get lethal frame in Chain of Memories?

Kingdom Hearts Chain of MemoriesEdit Sora can learn Lethal Frame after reaching level 32. Stop + Attack Card + Attack Card….

Where is the keyhole in Neverland?

Neverland’s Keyhole is near the three o’clock point on Big Ben’s clock face, and appears when the hands point at twelve o’clock.

What level should I be to beat Kurt Zisa?

User Info: JCBtheDirector. As long as both your Strength and your Defense are least 40 points each, you should be able to do it, though with lots of difficulty. I fought Kurt Zisa at level 60, having never heard of him, and got stomped. Later on, in another file, I fought him at level 90, and barely won….

What do you do after you beat Neverland in Kingdom Hearts?

User Info: three_wishes. *Sigh* According to the FAQ, Halloween Town comes after Neverland. If you’ve already beaten that town, you have to go to Traverse Town and talk to Cid. He will give you a Gummi, you go to Hollow Bastion, and then you find the gummi in the Secret Waterway….

How do you fly in Neverland?

If you destroy a fake he will also most likely start comboing you while you’re vulnerable. Now all you have to do is open the hatch and drop down to Wendy. Then head back up and you can go out on the Deck to Fight Captain Hook. When you step out onto the Deck you will gain the ability to Fly when you are in Neverland….

Can you go back to Hollow Bastion?

To get here, enter the new warp point that’s appeared on the map near Traverse Town. Thankfully, the route through the Bastion is just a little simpler this time around. Enter the double doors at the main gate and bear left up the stairs to the Library, just like before….

How do you beat Hollow Bastion?

Head out to the Castle Gates and fight the Heartless. Switch the Orange Lift and then call the blue one down to take up to the top level. Use the Lift to get on the large platform and prepare to fight. Head into the lift stop and go up and enter the Great Crest, fight through the Heartless and flip the orange lift….

What level should I be for Hollow Bastion?

At Hollow Bastion, around 45-50. End game around 60 since this is your first run-through, any lower might prove difficult depending on your abilities….

How do you beat Maleficent dragon?

The Dragon is not difficult to beat. If the player follows a hit-and-run strategy and sticks to magic attacks as recommended, as well as using the presence of Prince Phillip to his or her advantage, then she should fall with ease. An alternate strategy would be running behind Maleficent at the start of the battle.

How do you get the chest in Hollow Bastion?

All you have to do, is cast Blizzard(or any upgrade) on the bubble that would be directly in front of the chest. You know, the second bubble when entering the Waterway. Then you jump on top of it, quickly jump to the ledge between both bubble rooms, then you can jump/glide to the chest. That easy….