How do you get cloth in vv4?

How do you get cloth in vv4?

Drag an adult to the table and they will add the vines to the pot. Once the cooking is done, drag an adult to the pot. They will place the cloth pulp on a flat rock on the shore. Drag an adult onto the pulp to make the cloth.

How do you fish in vv4?


  1. Drag an adult to the piers to repair them. They will take several dry woods to repair.
  2. Drag an adult to the piers after they have been repaired. They will use the cloth to repair the fishing nets. Repeat the process until the nets are repaired.
  3. Now you can get fish by dragging an adult to the piers.

How do you cut the vines In Virtual Villagers 4?

to do this u need to clear the stream(puzzle 2). Once the stream is clear then it will take a little time for the stalks to recover. Once they are healthy then put a villager on it and he will go to take the cutting tool(puzzle 1) then he will come back and cut the vines and become sticky.

How do you boil water in Virtual Villagers 4?

To boil water, first drag a villager onto the bowls by the stream (for fresh water) or at the base of the rocks by the sea (for salt water). The villager will fill the bowl with water and take it to the pot in the research lab. Then drag a villager onto the pile of stones by the steps to the research lab.

How do you move the rocks in Virtual Villagers 4?

Look for an area covered in rocks next to two palm trees at the southwest corner of the screen. Drag an adult there to remove the rocks. You can use more than one villager to speed up the process. Once the area is cleared you need to move four hot stones to it.

What is the golden child in virtual villagers?

With Puzzle 5 and 12 completed, and Level 3 of Fertility, put a nursing mother in the lagoon. The child will become The Golden Child. As long as the previous puzzle is finished, put The Golden Child on the magic garden discovered in Puzzle 9. Butterflies will appear and follow The Golden Child.

How do you play the Tree of Life on Virtual Villagers?

First, drag a villager onto the pile of firewood to the left of the big staircase. Then, drag someone onto the patch of dry grass by the stairs—this will serve as kindling. Finally, drag a villager onto the fire pit with the grass and wood on it, and they will light the fire. Fire is needed for several things.

How do you get the lagoon on Virtual Villagers?

Your villagers will need to have researched Level 2 of Construction to work on this puzzle. Drag a villager to the pile of rocks blocking the flow of water from the creek. Once the blockage is cleared, the water will flow into a sparkling lagoon that your villagers will use for various work and leisure activities.

What does the lagoon do in virtual villagers?

Contains the Fish of Fertility to catch, unlocking puzzle Hunting the Magic Fish of Fertility. Allows pregnant woman to swim in it to make the Golden Child and unlock its puzzle. Allows villagers to wash laundry.

What does Level 2 spirituality do in virtual villagers?

Level 2: Allow the villagers to bury the dead villagers at The Cemetery.

How do you move the boulder in virtual villagers?

To move the boulder, you need to have the golden child. Once the golden child is old enough, he will investigate and move the boulder all by himself. To find the butterflies, have the golden child, drag him over to the garden, and he’ll make the butterflies appear.

How do you carve stone in virtual villagers?

Place villagers on the ruins in the southeast area of the island. They will build and restore the ruins into a temple. Place villagers on the stone located northwest of the village. They will begin to carve the stone and create an idol.

How do you get a master builder in Virtual Villagers Origins?

Re:how do i get a master builder? This will take a while but place a villager on any hut and keep him on it until he/she makes Master. The key is to make sure he/she is FIXING not EXAMINING.

How do you train builders in virtual villagers?

There are two ways to increase a builder’s skill in Virtual Villagers: The Secret City. The first is to keep putting villagers on the huts that they constructed, making sure that their action says, “Fixing hut” (and not “Examining hut”). If they are successful, they will gain building skill.

How do you farm in Virtual Villagers Origins 2?

Start by dragging a villager on to the seed right above the Crafting Hut. They will walk the seed over to the flooded garden patch above the big tree to the right of the village. Once the apple tree is fully grown, apple resources can be collected and the garden below the apple tree will be ready for use.

What are the puzzles in Virtual Villagers 2?

Virtual Villagers Origins 2 Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 Puzzles &…

  • Puzzle 1 – Fire.
  • Puzzle 2 – Fix the Dock.
  • Puzzle 3 – Crafting the Hut.
  • Puzzle 4 – Release the Kraken.
  • Puzzle 5 – Worship.
  • Puzzle 6 – The Garden.
  • Puzzle 7 – Rhubarb Pie.
  • Puzzle 8 – Clay Hut.

How do you keep the birds away from your crops in Virtual Villagers 2?

Puzzle 3 is a scarecrow that an adept farmer can construct in order to protect the crops from the birds. After you complete the dam (and have a farm), drag an adept or master farmer to the twisted pieces of wood and vines that are located in the northern portion of the village.