
How do you get a Harvey Specter haircut?

How do you get a Harvey Specter haircut?

To arrive at his hairstyle, you will need to get the right amount of length on top to create some height on that pompadour. Speak to you barber and make sure he takes your sides down to a short length but not buzz-cut.

How much does Harvey Specter make?

Originally Answered: How much money does Harvey Specter make? Harvey makes at least $5.66MM. This is made of $666k in salary and $5MM+ in bonus. Per Slava Prisivko, in season 1, Harvey bills clients $1000/hr.

What brand does Harvey Specter wear?

Ralph Lauren

What makes Harvey Specter so attractive?

1. He’s witty, smart and AWESOME. One thing that sets Harvey apart from the crowd is his sheer confidence in himself and how witty, charming and smart he is. He firmly believes in his awesomeness and though, he knows that he’s cocky, he loves his cockiness.

What drink does Harvey Specter drink?

The Godfather

Is Harvey Specter arrogant?

1) Own Your Character In the show Suits, Harvey Specter is viewed as a charming, confident, sometimes arrogant man. Harvey doesn’t apologize for who he is.

Is Mike Ross better than Harvey?

Mike Ross has a photographic memory. So, naturally he is more well-versed in law than Harvey Specter theoretically. Harvey, on the other hand has wider experience in real-life and has more chance of succeeding.

Is Harvey Specter lonely?

Lonely- he is but then he has his own “family” who supports him no matter what. Depressed well yeah that is again debatable. When you think about it he is a depressed soul which is masked by success and glory. I believe that is what the character was deemed to be.

Who married Harvey Specter?

In season 9, Donna and Harvey married in the last episode of the series finale, with Mike Ross visiting from Seattle. After their wedding, it was announced Donna and Harvey would be moving to Seattle to work with Mike Ross and Rachel Zane Ross.

How long is Mike Ross in jail?


Does Rachel kiss Logan?

Rachel kissed her old flame Logan Sanders (Brendan Hines) in the 2014 episode, ‘Litt the Hell Up’ – causing her and boyfriend Mike (Patrick J Adams) to briefly separate. “I hated that storyline, it was so uncomfortable,” Markle admitted.