How do you get a comma on a TI 83?
How do you get a comma on a TI 83?
Press the “2nd” button, which is the bright yellow button on the left side of the calculator, then the “DEL” button located next to the left arrow. Press the “comma” button to insert the comma.
What does the comma do on a calculator?
An ordered pair separator: if you have a set of x,y coordinates, you use the comma to tell the calculator when x stops and y begins
How do you put a comma in a TI-84?
Type 2nd 1 (L1), then comma, 2nd 2 (L2), then comma 5. The Press VARS Using the right arrow, move over to Y-vars, then press enter 1. Press enter again 2. Press enter again 3.
Where is Y1 on ti84?
To find a y value from your regression line when given an x value, go to the main calculator screen and call up your function name (VARS, cursor right to Y-VARS, select 1:Function… and Y1 (or whichever function your line is in)) and then open the left parenthesis, type the x value and close your parenthesis.
How do I change the decimal to comma on Iphone calculator?
System Preferences- Language and Region- at the bottom of the box click “Advanced”- then choose the dot/ comma under Number separators- Decimal and again under drop down box “decimal” under currency
How do I change a number format from a comma to a dot?
Change the character used to separate thousands or decimals
- Click File > Options.
- On the Advanced tab, under Editing options, clear the Use system separators check box.
- Type new separators in the Decimal separator and Thousands separator boxes. Tip: When you want to use the system separators again, select the Use system separators check box.
What happened to the comma on my iPhone?
Tap the 123 button, the comma is the second button from the left on the bottom row. To see what he is talking about, try doing that when you are in the To field of Mail. Do you perhaps see a comma on the topmost rightmost key (I do, but it’s an ipad)
Why is there no comma on my iPhone keyboard?
in settings –>General–>Keyboard if you turn keyboard flicks off, comma disappears: Here is keyboard with flicks on: Here all 3 keyboards (abc, numbers and symbols) with flicks turned off : Hope it will be fixed soon
Where is the full stop on a keyboard?
Alternatively referred to as a full stop or dot, a period ( . ) is a punctuation mark commonly found on the same US QWERTY keyboard key as the greater than ( > )
How do I change my keyboard back to normal?
How to change your keyboard
- Open the Settings on your phone.
- Scroll down and tap System.
- Tap Languages & input.
- Tap Virtual keyboard.
- Tap Manage keyboards.
- Tap the toggle next to the keyboard you just downloaded.
- Tap OK.
How do I put a full stop on my iPhone keyboard?
Luckily when it comes to full stops (periods) there’s an easy way to enter them: just press space twice. To access punctuation on your iPhone keyboard, tap on the 123 button. You’ll see all the numbers above various punctuation marks
What is Swipe typing on iPhone?
The feature is enabled the second you upgrade to iOS 13. When you swipe type, you don’t have to lift your finger from the keyboard between key presses. It’s especially helpful when you’re typing one-handed. It’s also usually faster than two-handed typing due to the much higher error rate when you use your thumbs
How do you use swipe type?
On your Android phone or tablet, install Gboard. Open any app that you can type with, like Gmail or Keep. Tap where you can enter text. Slide your finger across the letters to spell the word you want.
What is smart punctuation on iPhone keyboard?
With iOS 11, Apple introduced Smart Punctuation. By default, this feature automatically converts ambidextrous straight quotes to curly quotes, in addition to converting two hyphens (–) to an em dash (—). In the case of quotes, it also replaces the straight apostrophes and quotes with language-specific glyphs.
How does smart punctuation work?
Last one to consider in the basic settings is the iPhone’s “Smart Punctuation” abilities. This simply means your iPhone automatically corrects certain punctuation marks to be more visually pleasing
What is the best keyboard app for iPhone?
Best iPhone Keyboard Apps 2020
- Swiftkey Keyboard.
- Go Keyboard.
- Gboard.
- TouchPal Keyboard.
- Bitmoji.
How do you switch between keyboards on iPhone?
How to Switch Between Keyboards on the iPhone
- Tap the globe to shuffle through the keyboard selections (ideal for users with only two keyboards enabled.)
- Or hold down the globe icon and simply tap on the one you want to switch to (ideal for users with more than two keyboards enabled.)
How do I switch languages on my keyboard?
Learn how to check your Android version….Add a language on Gboard through Android settings
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Settings app.
- Tap System. Languages & input.
- Under “Keyboards,” tap Virtual keyboard.
- Tap Gboard. Languages.
- Pick a language.
- Turn on the layout you want to use.
- Tap Done.
Can I change the color of my iPhone 11?
Unfortunately, there is no effective way to change the color, as you would have to change the display, which is not possible. You could consider getting a new iPhone with color.
Can I change iPhone keyboard color?
Only one keyboard can be saved and customize at a time, and the effect is applied to the whole of iOS. Adjusting the color of the keyboard is a pretty straightforward exercise. Basically, all you need to do is open up an app, and start typing; the keyboard color will instantly change to your customized color
How do you make your keyboard a different color?
Change how your keyboard looks
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Settings app .
- Tap System Languages & input.
- Tap Virtual Keyboard Gboard.
- Tap Theme.
- Pick a theme. Then tap Apply.
How do you change the color of your text messages?
Launch the Messaging app. From its main interface — where you see your full list of conversations — press the “Menu” button and see if you have a Settings option. If your phone is capable of formatting modifications, you should see various options for bubble style, font or colors within this menu.
How do I change the color of my mechanical keyboard?
You can switch between colors by switching sub-modes. You can also increase or decrease brightness by pressing Fn + Up/Down Sub-mode: 7 single colors By pressing Backlit key in Single color mode, you can switch between 7 different colors
How do I change the color of my keyboard light?
Next to the ALT key on the right hand side of the keyboard there is a button that looks like a head light, press that to cycle through them. To the right of the spacebar between the ALT and CTRL keys are two keys. ” * ” and ” FN “. Press these two keys at the same time to change colors