How do you fatten up meat rabbits?

How do you fatten up meat rabbits?

You can get alfalfa in hay bale form or in compressed chopped cubes in 50lb bags from the feed store. Also make sure your rabbits are on a pellet feed that's 16-18% protein. For a more au natural food you can load them down with some sweet potato vines. I've heard kudzu can be good in moderation as well.

Why is rabbit meat bad for you?

It's high in protein and low in fat. But it's the idea that it's low in fat that is the reason it can be bad for you. If rabbit meat is the only meat you ever eat, you can experience something called protein toxicity. Also accurately called, 'Rabbit Starvation'.

What is rabbit meat called?

Unlike beef, pork or venison, rabbit meat does not have a special name, it is simply called, "rabbit meat." Despite it being a rarity on many North American menus, it is a very popular dish across different parts of the world. The USDA says that rabbit is the most nutritious meat known to mankind.

Are meat rabbits worth it?

They're not worth the effort. If you're serious about keeping rabbits for meat, you need a breed built for the job. Meat rabbits are longer, fatter, and fluffier than your typical wild bunny. These are generally regarded as the best rabbits for eating – though some make good house pets as well.

What should I feed my meat rabbits?

What to Feed Rabbits. Each rabbit hutch should have a hayrack. This you keep full of hay — the rabbit experts recommend Alfalfa, but a good, leafy clover hay is all right. Timothy isn't as high in protein as clover, but if it's properly cured it's better than a poorly cured clover or Alfalfa.

Is it legal to raise rabbits for food?

Most municipalities allow rabbits to be kept as pets, but that's a different proposition than raising rabbits for slaughter. Elsewhere, raising rabbits (and other small livestock, such as chickens) may be permitted, but slaughtering and processing them may be prohibited.

Are meat rabbits profitable?

Raising rabbits for meat and fur is a good way to make money but only if you do it on a large scale, and it should be done as supplementary income only. The initial costs in setting-up is small, rabbits breed quickly and frequently, they have large litters and grow to a good marketable size in a very short time.

What is the fastest growing rabbit?

Breeds such as Flemish giants and the giant chinchilla are impressive in size, but the purebreds put on frame before meat and so take longer to produce a quality meat carcass. We have had excellent results using a Flemish giant as a terminal sire, producing a big, fast growing bunny when the mother is a New Zealand.

Are rabbits hard to raise?

Rabbits are very hardy animals, easy to raise and extremely clean. They can stand a lot of cold weather, but they can't stand very much of a wetting and hot weather gets them down.

At what age do you butcher rabbits?

Although companion rabbits are capable of living 10 to 15 years, the vast majority of “meat” rabbits are killed at three months of age. Referred to as “fryers,” these baby rabbits weigh only 1.5 – 3.5 pounds. A small percentage are slaughtered at 8 months old or 4 pounds; they are known in the industry as “roasters.”

How long does it take to raise rabbits for meat?

Rabbits have a 30 day gestation cycle, and become mature at seven months. You can breed the same doe once every 90 days. After about seven weeks the rabbits are grown enough to butcher, and are called fryers.

How long do meat rabbits live?

How much does rabbit meat sell for?

Meat Rabbit Prices. Meat rabbit prices fluctuate, of course, but are more standard across the country than show or pet prices. A processor that buys live animals will usually pay $1.00 to $1.50 per pound. Dressed and processed rabbit meat currently goes for $6 to $7 per pound.

Can you cross breed rabbits?

Yes, you can breed different breeds together, but of course, what you have will be mixed breed rabbits. They are all the same species, so you can cross 'em every which way.

How do you kill meat rabbits?

Because free range is not a substitute for no cage. Your rabbit will still need a well sheltered home, even if you let her out in the morning and don't put her away at night, or even if you make the decidedly more risky decision of letting your bunny roam your section 24/7.

What is the smallest rabbit breed?

The Netherland Dwarf is the smallest of the domestic rabbits. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) accepts a weight range of 1.1–3.5 pounds (0.50–1.59 kg), but 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg) is the maximum allowed by the British Rabbit Council (BRC).

Can rabbits eat grass from the yard?

Pet rabbits can eat grass from the yard provided that it's fresh and not treated with chemicals. Don't allow a rabbit to eat excessive grass immediately as her stomach needs to adjust to it. If you're going to clip some grass to feed your rabbit, you should use scissors.

How many cages does a meat rabbit need?

Each rabbit needs its own cage, so for the breeding trio of a buck and two does you'll need three cages. (See our diagram of a homemade rabbit cage.) The cages should be protected from predators and the weather — in a garage or outbuilding, for example.