How do you express your gratitude?

How do you express your gratitude?

appreciativeness, gratefulness, gratitude, thankfulness, thanks. Words Related to appreciation. thanksgiving. gratification, indebtedness, satisfaction. acknowledgment (or acknowledgement), recognition, tribute.

What is the meaning of heartfelt gratitude?

Gratitude means thanks and appreciation. It's the warm feeling you get when you remember the person who told you to drop your 1980s hairstyle and get with the new millennium already. … Gratitude, which rhymes with "attitude," comes from the Latin word gratus, which means "thankful, pleasing."

What is the purpose of appreciation?

Appreciation is a key to any relationship. Appreciating someone makes them feel good about what they do, and that it makes a difference to their lives. It makes them feel better about themselves, urging them to go on with new vigor, strengthening your relationship.

Why we should appreciate others?

We should Learn to Appreciate Others. When we appreciate and support the great deeds of others, we make them feel good and boost their desire to do more good work. Appreciation means to show our gratitude, recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.

Why appreciation is important in the workplace?

Appreciation improves productivity. When employees know their hard work is appreciated and recognised, they feel that their work is valued. And this motivates them to maintain and improve their great performance. Appreciation improves workplace morale.