How do you embroider fabric with tulle?

How do you embroider fabric with tulle?

When you're working with it, make sure you don't over stretch it in the hoop. You want the fabric to be taught, but no distorting the natural weave of the fabric. When embroidering on tulle, you should make sure to be gentle and not pull your stitches too tight because again, you will distort or warp the fabric.

What should I embroider onto?

Modern embroidery = cool typography, trendy geometric patterns and some seriously rad fashion accessories. And embroidery doesn't stop at fabric — you can throw a stitch on any material: sneakers, floral wreaths, wood planters and printed photos. Just check out these 21 DIY embroidery projects.

How do you hand lace embroidery?

Make a basic veil out of tulle. Draw a simple design on the veil using permanent marker. Use embroidery floss (all strands) and a narrow embroidery needle to sew the pattern onto the veil. For sections which are more linear, you can skip holes and it will still look great.