How do you describe a true friend?

How do you describe a true friend?

The definition of a true friend is someone who has your back, no matter what. They watch out for you and ensure you are not in danger. They will never purposely lead you into making decisions that aren't good for you. A true friend will always have your best interest at heart.

How would you describe a supportive friend?

Usually, the most supportive friends are those that start in that casual friend category. A supportive friend is someone who understands who you are and what you need. You will quickly learn that they will be with you through thick and thin. You both will go through some tough times and some very good times.

The definition of a true friend is someone who has your back, no matter what. A true friend will always have your best interest at heart. They will never purposely lead you into choices or decisions that aren't good for you.

What is friendship in simple words?

Friendship means familiar and liking of each other's mind. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. A friend is one who admires a person's skill and helps or encourages them to make the right choices and do not get into any trouble at all.

What is a word for friendship?

Words related to friendship pact, accord, love, devotion, closeness, agreement, understanding, society, harmony, intimacy, rapport, affection, solidarity, alliance, amiability, concord, sociability, esteem, consonance, favor.