How do you comfort someone emotionally?

How do you comfort someone emotionally?

Share your own challenges, let them know they are not alone. Talk about times that you struggled as well. Reference resources that you have found to be useful and accessible. Encourage your friend to use them!

How do you comfort a friend?

To comfort your friend, listen intently to what they have to say and let them vent. Keep your advice to yourself unless your friend asks for it so they don't feel like you're brushing their feelings aside. Instead, just let your friend know that you're there for them and that their feelings are justified.

What do you say to someone who is emotionally drained?

It can be as simple as asking them how they feel, if they would like to talk about it. Invite them over for something simple and safe like a coffee, but don't be offended if they don't take your offer straight away. Just state that you are here for them and make sure that they understood your will to listen.

How do you comfort a friend over chat?

Ask them what's happening and let them vent about their problem. Let them lead the conversation, and don't rush in to offer help or fix things. Simply be present for your friend. While your friend tells the story, text comments that make them feel validated like, "That's awful" or "I'm so sorry about that."

How do you help someone who is overwhelmed?

When you're tired, what can I do for you?” The other person may ask you to hold them, or kiss them, or prepare a bubble bath, or have some hot food ready, or simply turn on some music and leave them alone for ten or twenty minutes. Then the next time they look tired, try what you talked about. If it works, fantastic!