How do I make my resolution stick?

How do I make my resolution stick?

New Year resolutions are important and here are some of the reasons why they are important: They help us to reflect on our actions during the previous year. They help know that we need a change in certain areas of our lives. New Year resolutions help us to challenge ourselves in the upcoming year.

How long do New Year’s resolutions last?

Popular wisdom says it takes 21 days. However, studies indicate that on average it takes approximately 66 days before a new habit becomes automatic. Second, people tend to make long lists of big habits they want to change—like losing weight, saving more money, doubling revenue, and quitting smoking or drinking.

Do New Year resolutions work?

Research shows that 46% of people do keep resolutions for at least six months, and 8% keep them for the entire year. That 8% might seem small, but people who choose to make a New Year's resolution are 10 times as likely to keep them over those who pursue improvement in another way. New Year's resolutions can work.