How do I make my own paper?

How do I make my own paper?

The larger the surface area the more air resistance and the slower the parachute will drop. Cutting a small hole in the middle of the parachute will allow air to slowly pass through it rather than spilling out over one side, this should help the parachute fall straighter.

How do you make a parachute last longer in the air?

To throw the parachute man scrunch up the bag long ways, fold it in half twice, and loosely wrap the risers once around the chute. You could also just through it from the top of a high place (adult supervision required=). When it's not in use place it in a sandwich bag.

What is the best shape for a parachute?

The circle parachute should demonstrate the slowest average descent rate because its natural symmetrical shape would be the most efficient design to maximize wind resistance and create drag.

How do you make a circle parachute?

Due to the resistance of air, a drag force acts on a falling body (parachute) to slow down its motion. Without air resistance, or drag, objects would continue to increase speed until they hit the ground. Parachutes use a large canopy to increase air resistance.