How do I make all my photos private on Flickr?

How do I make all my photos private on Flickr?

Click the "Edit" button in the top menu. Click "Batch Edit" and select "Change Permissions" from the drop-down menu. Select the public option from the privacy options window to make all of the photos in the collection public. Click the "Change Permissions" button to save your changes.

Can you make private albums on Flickr?

Click on private, you'll get a drop down list with all your options, select your desired option. Or you can go to Organize, select the album in question, and then click on "batch edit", then on "change permission", then in "who can see these items", click the options of your choice.

How do I make my photos public on Flickr?

In your Privacy Settings, you can choose to make your photos default to public for anyone to access, restrict access to a limited number of other Flickr users, or keep those photos private so only you can access them. On each photo page, you will also find more granular controls to change each photo setting.

How do I change the privacy on a featured photo?

Keep in mind that featured photos are public and visible to everyone. Featured photos' privacy cannot be changed.